Hi all,

I'd just like to add my "thanks" for this tip as well. My 300tdi developed a squeak and after changing the belt (it was due a change anyway) which made no difference I then tried swapping the tensioner. This seemed to work for a few days but then it came back.

I then stumbled upon this post! Curiously it didn't work on the new tensioner but in a flash of inspiration I took the old one down from the shelf (tip - never throw anything away) and tried putting the penny behind this one and hey-presto, silence has returned.

My theory as to why it sounds like the water pump squeaking (I was all-but ready to buy a new water pump) is that this is closest to the tensioner so if the tensioner isn't quite 'true' it'll be the next pully along that is affected the most.

Many many thanks,

Have just done mine! perfeck so far the problem i had was worse than that budgey caught under the bonnett i was loosing ribs. think i got down to 4 left out of 7 the belt being half its width. not only that but it knocked the steering pump out of alighnment and had to replace that!! Does anyone know how long this penny trick lasts or should i get a new tensioner?
well... i've been told that the penny trick aligns things properly that were not previous aligned (due to a manufacturing fault).

therefore, the penny trick should last forever (unless the penny falls out).

however, if it's been misaligned for long enough, the pulley bearings could be knackered and it'll only last as long as the bearings.

Don't take my words as absolute truth though - i'm not experienced at all - just been told stuff and repeating it here! :D
well this thread is over 2 years old now, and the penny was in way before it was posted!
Budgie R.I.P. and tensioner still going strong on the same bearing!
just started her up this morning (usually worse when cold) and working fine thanks to all concerned :clap2:
I think the centre nut rotates, does it not, to slacken the belt. Its sleckening the unit for the penny i was thinking of.

Oh - and do yu have to remove the belt to fit the penny?
I think the centre nut rotates, does it not, to slacken the belt. Its sleckening the unit for the penny i was thinking of.

Oh - and do yu have to remove the belt to fit the penny?

The nut in the centre of the actual pulley is used to slacken the belt.

The nut on the stud is what you use to slacken the tensioner. I've always slackend the belt off before undoing the tensioner bolt.

Am I blind? wheres the stud?
ah - that big thing with nut on it? I thought that was the tensioner bit. Mind yu I aint looked closely at the motor yet - thought I would :search: first :D.

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