well... I did the penny trick in Dec 2010, and it's now Nov 2012 (almost 2 years later) and my tensioner is now squeaking again! Should I insert two pennies, or buy a new tensioner??
Check the alinement of the tensioner pulley.......you can eye it quite accurately. If the penny brought it into line and nothings moved since then tensioner/pulley bearing needs checking
Check the alinement of the tensioner pulley.......you can eye it quite accurately. If the penny brought it into line and nothings moved since then tensioner/pulley bearing needs checking

B B,is there no way that the bearing holder can not be modified to take a grease nipple to keep the bearing lubricated??
theres 2 parts to the tensioner the sprung arm and the pulley bearing ,bearing can be replaced but oftens as not its better to replace whole arm
well... I did the penny trick in Dec 2010, and it's now Nov 2012 (almost 2 years later) and my tensioner is now squeaking again! Should I insert two pennies, or buy a new tensioner??

Mine fell off when the stud stripped the threads in the housing.
When the pully was spun you could hear it squealing you can buy a noo bearing for the pully for a fiver. Circlip in a pain to get out though.

Oh and the bolt holding the pulley is left hand thread..
Damn it I forgot all aboot this trick. Replaced tensioner bearing today, and was sooo ****ed off when it sounded even worse :-( tried the old soap on the belt trick, nope, bit of WD40, worked for 5 seconds, in the end, I retightened the bolts and doused in half a can of WD40. Solved. For now. When wd wears off ill do penny trick :)
Damn it I forgot all aboot this trick. Replaced tensioner bearing today, and was sooo ****ed off when it sounded even worse :-( tried the old soap on the belt trick, nope, bit of WD40, worked for 5 seconds, in the end, I retightened the bolts and doused in half a can of WD40. Solved. For now. When wd wears off ill do penny trick :)
Well, nipped out to shop there and as predicted. Budgies are back and they are angry. But had tools in boot so under the wonderfully lit Morrisons carpark lights, and with 5p in hand, I finally got it sorted in under 10 mins.;-) I love this type of engineering and is why I bought a landy. But alas, with landy's you fix one thing and something else stops. Like rear elec windows. D'oh.
Done this trick the other day but were in a recession over here in Ireland so i used a 2cent coin!! :D Works a charm.
Well changed both belts & tensioner. Started up & those budgies were in residence again.
Went for the penny eviction plan, started up & they were replaced by a parrot. Iv'e never heard such a noise.
Removed penny.
I think I'll put up with the budgies till I change the bearing.
Does this work on 200 tdi?
We changed one at the weekend with a new tensioner and it makes the same noise.

We're thinking of putting the old one back on.

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