
New Member
Hey Grunt, me again! Time for anudder bit of humour!

lookin to put a snorkel on me 300tdi but all the "searching" (note mad hat man!) indicates the snorkel fits on the side of the drivers wing however my wing only has a vent hole on the top of the drivers wing??

Me thinks some1 stuck a 200tdi wing on it??:confused:

Riddle me that folks?
Prob' is just a 200 wing onna 300.

What kind of snork is it? Safari/Bearmach type? It'll be a little bit messy cuz the snork is supposed to fit in a slight recess in the wing, but it'd be ok with a good bit of sealant t'make it watertight.

Not a lot of room inside the wing for marking up where to drill & cut, but if you can find a way to do it with some accuracy job's a good 'un. Ain't worth swapping the wing for the sake of it.
Prob' is just a 200 wing onna 300.

What kind of snork is it? Safari/Bearmach type? It'll be a little bit messy cuz the snork is supposed to fit in a slight recess in the wing, but it'd be ok with a good bit of sealant t'make it watertight.

Not a lot of room inside the wing for marking up where to drill & cut, but if you can find a way to do it with some accuracy job's a good 'un. Ain't worth swapping the wing for the sake of it.

Cheers Marcus
Don't have the snork yet, that was goin to be my next question, what type d'you reccommend or does it make a difference and where's the bargains?
whistles into air - :D

Ha ha, whistle fru yer arse Daft! :rolleyes:

Bearmach do a safari type snork cheaper than Safari do. Had one on (t'other side of) my 200 Tdi. They're pretty robust & look good & the fitting kit is comprehensive.

The one's with a flexible tube running from snork to wing always look a bit flimsy, though you can sometimes pick up military ones for 300 Tdi's they look like they'd stand up to a fair bit cuz apart from the flexi bit they're all metal.

Whatever you do resist the urge to fit anything on the top that even vaguely resembles a goldfish bowl............Though that shouldn't be difficult! :rolleyes:
None taken... If the engine is definitely a 300 but the bodywork looks more TD/200Tdi - I'd take a really hard look at the chassis number and the reg number.

If it's the right reg for a 300 but the wrong chassis number you might have been sold a "wrong 'un"...

If it's all hunky dory in the chassis number dept. you could always fit the snork for a 200 and run the piping to the air box 'as is'... seems the only difference between a 300 and a 200 snork is the side of the wagon they fit to.

None taken... If the engine is definitely a 300 but the bodywork looks more TD/200Tdi - I'd take a really hard look at the chassis number and the reg number.

If it's the right reg for a 300 but the wrong chassis number you might have been sold a "wrong 'un"...

If it's all hunky dory in the chassis number dept. you could always fit the snork for a 200 and run the piping to the air box 'as is'... seems the only difference between a 300 and a 200 snork is the side of the wagon they fit to.


Yeeeeah, but duz he got a hole ont'other side? Or is his wings both devoid of 'oles?
Yeeeeah, but duz he got a hole ont'other side? Or is his wings both devoid of 'oles?

Yip, you got it marcus ... both sides devoid of the wee holes!

Wehn i bought it they told me it had been "brused" on the drivers side so I'm guessing they did a diy job and replaced it witha second hand 200tdi wing. Comfortable that I wasn't sold a lemon, have had the chceks done.

thanks for the advice on the snork!
If you dunt got a hole at all you have the option of going in thru the top of the wing. To my mind this is preferrable as you haven't then got anything vulnerable sticking out at the side.

Depends what you're using it for but I've squeezed through stuff and had enuff branches scraping down the sides of my motors to dislodge the sturdiest of snorks.

Despite the well deserved scorn and ridicule I got fer the top fitting on the snork on my old III (Yella has very kindly spared my shame by obscuring the offending top piece with something far better looking!) it was metal, passed thru a neat rubber grommet on the wing and if anything would offer a bit of additional protection from branches hitting the windscreen. It looked like (I know I'll regret this AGAIN!) this:

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