Has anyone had any issues with removing the rubber bush that the spigot slides in to to centralise the prop to diff flange. need to change the rubber coupling and the bush too but it looks well n truly stuck in.

and before anyone says just change it for a 200tdi rear prop n 4 bolt flange.....that is the future plan, I just have a spare coupling and bush already :)
try giving the prop a good shove towards the front end then just put a pry bar between the bush and spiggot/flange, and again pry. should just pop off,
Are you removing the centrallising pin?

I had to take my last one down to a friendly mechanic and use his air tools to grind the fecker out.
cheers for the reply, i'm leaving the pin in place if its not worn otherwise ill pop a new one on. doesn't look too difficult. it was just the bush which looked a pain, Job for weekend!
job done! lump hammer and big ass chisel! took about 15 mins to get out. new one went in in 2 secs. Vibration gone now so happy days :)

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