But the only one that I can put back to standard would be the diaghram. There is a clear mark on that so it would be easy to do. The smoke screw I have no idea where to put that back to. I dont even know if at the moment it is screwed in or out more than standard as I have fiddled with it so many times. And the same for the star wheel. Have no idea what position it is in in relation to the standard setup. I really made a mess of it. Whether this has anything to do with the temp problems I am having I have no idea, but I would love to get it back to standard just to see and to feel less worried that I am pushing it to hard.
Oh, and just to add - I get literally no smoke from the exhaust at all. Some of these I see are pumping out the black stuff, but apart from a little chuff when I start it, she runs very clean.
Will see what I can sort out. Money is tight and a new rad is top of the list. Didn't realize quite how bad a shape it was in. Cheers for the help mate.
btw, the pump tweak is kind of a distraction.. your cooling should be knocking the temp down anyway gl!

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