
New Member
A couple of days ago the oil light came on and stayed on upon start-up.
The oil light has never stayed on before, or even flickered.

I did an oil & filter change. Light still on.

Replaced oil pressure switch. Light still on.

Checked oil pressure. Zero pressure ?

Sump off
Removed pressure relief valve, Looked O.K
Spring length was 46mm, plunger was seating with spring at that length.
Removed oil pick-up, checked for cracks or leaks, found nothing.
Whilst i was there I replaced the O-ring on the pick-up.
The O-ring looked O.K but replaced anyways.

Sump back on
Refill with oil
Oil pressure now at 60 PSI cold

What the ?

I,m thinking the relief valve must have been jammed open ?
Pick-up was sucking air past the O-ring ?

Whatever it was it looks like problem fixed :eek:

Thoughts any-one


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