or fit a length of tube over the spanner. easier to hold/control...

either way, nice and tight seems to do the trick!

Another quickey Buster
Haynes says around 1.5kg preload but that is with the unit dismantled.I read somewhere that in situ it should be around 7kg
not sure if this has been answered yet but the pre load setting in situe with seals in place is 12-14 lb/ft;)
Well guys I gave it a shot and OMG:eek:
The brake pipe union would not come undone:mad:
Loosend both swivel pin bolts no prob:)
Then found swivel grease started to leak fom the bottom of the:doh: ball
Then found the brake pipe bracket was interlocked with the mud guard thingy:mad:
Put it all back together and re fitted the drag link and track arm(with new ends-getting the old ones off is another story:eek:
Fitted new damper and brake pads and called it a day:)
Swivel pins will wait until the whole assembly is overhauled
Thanks all for the help and advice:D

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