So you are creeping around with lots of different handles then? Aha!
You'll fit in dead right here.
Also, a mate of mine, back in the mid eighties, used to race bikes, he had a Kwacka 1300 feck off bastud fast loud thing, dunno really, but it was really green!
Anyway, he packed it in after a while. I asked him why and he said that he was never going to win anything cos when he was going totally balls-out fast as he could sh!tting himself all the time, others were going past him into corners as if they had no brakes etc. so he felt you had to be absolutely, completely, utterly bonkers to do it. and he wasn't that mad.
So if you win and you ARE that mad, you'll fit in like a small foot into a greased welly!:D:D:D
It is true. My mate Rob was Rob McElnea's mechanic back in the 80s.
I never saw McElnea ride, but I did see Rob ride his spare bike, and he rode like a nutter.
Enough to pretty much put me off bike racing for good!
G45 :cool: Now yer takin :D
But I have to fess up, I only ever rode pillion, never had a bike licence, Ma being a doc kinda put the mockers on that. But I spent ages working on my mates bikes. He had no more money than me and I had feck all so he always bought clapped out ones that needed work.;).
We made very basic mistakes and had to take things apart twice like gearboxes, to put bits in that we realised we had left out!:D:D:D. but at least no one got hurt!
Oh and G45? Nooooo! nothing as young as that! Think it might have been a G80?
But I have to fess up, I only ever rode pillion, never had a bike licence, Ma being a doc kinda put the mockers on that. But I spent ages working on my mates bikes. He had no more money than me and I had feck all so he always bought clapped out ones that needed work.;).
We made very basic mistakes and had to take things apart twice like gearboxes, to put bits in that we realised we had left out!:D:D:D. but at least no one got hurt!
Oh and G45? Nooooo! nothing as young as that! Think it might have been a G80?

Trial an error...I dont have a licence you have a go tis ok my ma is a doc I'll hold yer beer :D:D
Trial an error...I dont have a licence you have a go tis ok my ma is a doc I'll hold yer beer :D:D
Fact is Paolo, (not Italian but had a Ma as bonkers as mine) was a feckin good rugby player, ended up President of the St Andrews uni rugby club. Sickening git looked like a young Marlon Brando and went to live in France while playing for the Racing club de France in Paris. .
But he and I were neighbours from when i was 8 and he was 6. Once we got to our late teens, he carried on being brill at rugby and interested in bikes. Women just fell on the floor in front of him but he wasn't that bothered. I was more interested in cars and chasing the burds. Which we did together, much to his ma's disgust! I don't remember ever working on a car with him, weird! He usually drove his mum's car, whatever she had! So it ended up with ME driving and HIM holding the beer!
Lost track of him for decades but he now lives in France and runs an estate agency! Found him through Friends Reunited via his bruv!
But not near us:( (Nevers). Anyway, at least he hasn't killed himself on a bike. :)

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