
New Member
Hi Geezars! I'm new to this forum and thought I'd start picking some brains. I have just bought a commercial series 1. Its in pretty good nick, or so i thought!

After a few weeks of ownership, the clutch started to slip towing a trailer up a hill. Oh well, win some loose some.. new clutch went in! While the g/box was out, I had the garage to check the gear selector bush out as the gear change was as slack as goverment policy. It turned out that the bush and circlip had been swallowed by the g/box. These were replaced and the oil drained. Apparently the oil had a few 'lumps' in. The chief mechanic said that it was ok as the gearbox was noise and crunch free and changing ok. So it all got put back together and returned to me. Happy days!

So, at the outset, outlook was good good. Brand new gearchange and another 100k on the clutch. BUT... after 8 miles of B road driving, I found that when stood running in neutral, on tick over it developed a horrible rattle. I thought it was the clutch thrust bearing or releaes bearing ( is that the same thing?). So back to the garage it went and now they say that they will strip the gearbox out and check the clutch on warranty. Fine. But the thing is, the real thing of it, is if they changed the gearchange selctor bush which is on the bottom of the gear lever, would the gearbox have been open and could they have dropped some crap in there that would cause probs, or are they muppets ( tricky.. ) or what could the prob be? The noise goes when you press the clutch in, and come back when you release it. When in gear moving there is no obvious noise. Only when stood does is sound all rattly and ouchy in neutral with the clutch engaged.

Any ideas?

They seem to think it could be the shaft that takes power in from the clutch ,some bearing maybe. Would I be right in thinking that this is thier problem cos it used to work fine even with a loose gearchange before they did sugery?

many thanks in advance for ideas, comments, help or a spare gear box!!

No idea...but after only 8 miles i'd be very annoyed/surprised if they presented me with a bill.
this was a big problem 10 years ago ish ,if it rattles at tick over and noise goes when clutch pedal depressed or tick over raised,its the new clutch plate originally it was cured by modifying clutch plate with the adding of extra small springs and was cured it comes back now sometimes through the use of some h/d clutches or unlucky clutch plate and gear box combination ,if it quietens when you raise tick over its definatley this rather than buggered box ,usually it goes after a few weeks as clutch beds in
this was a big problem 10 years ago ish ,if it rattles at tick over and noise goes when clutch pedal depressed or tick over raised,its the new clutch plate originally it was cured by modifying clutch plate with the adding of extra small springs and was cured it comes back now sometimes through the use of some h/d clutches or unlucky clutch plate and gear box combination ,if it quietens when you raise tick over its definatley this rather than buggered box ,usually it goes after a few weeks as clutch beds in

Thanks for you reply.

Will it will just mill its way back into the casing a little or just grind itself to bits untill it clears?? Will this effect the life of the clutch?
What should I tell the garage? They are going to split it tomo to check it out. Do you think I should let them crack on and then they will see the problem and can try and sort it? If they send the gearbox off to get checked or something daft I don't want the for stripping it and having nothing wrong with it!

Thanks again.
if it only happens at tick over and goes when tick over raised and when clutch depressed it is as i say try it,you could either fit different clutch plate ,if no other symptoms with box ,doing anything to box wont help you have to tighten box so much that it severly shortens its life,did you have heavy duty one fitted ? too hard springs in clutch plate produce gear box rattle noise ,as said often settles but cant guarrenty it
if it only happens at tick over and goes when tick over raised and when clutch depressed it is as i say try it,you could either fit different clutch plate ,if no other symptoms with box ,doing anything to box wont help you have to tighten box so much that it severly shortens its life,did you have heavy duty one fitted ? too hard springs in clutch plate produce gear box rattle noise ,as said often settles but cant guarrenty it[/QUOTE

Thanks again for reply. Very helpful! It does only really happen on ticl over and seems to go with revs. I'm not madly sure whether this is because it blends in with the engine or not bit isnt pronounced so I guess yeah it does go? lol..:confused: So if the guys have a look inside, wil there be anything for them to see do you think? It sounds like a AK47 going off in there!
it does the noise is allways there but softer clutch springs reduce it so its not noticeable ,theres nothing to see, modified type clutch plates have small pen sized springs around clutch center to cushion clutch center
Gearbox chatter at idle has been a problem with many makes for many years, so it's not just a Land Rover problem.
I rather suspect that your box was full of thick gear oil prior to the garage draining it, they will have refilled it with ATF or MTF. Gear oil does help dampen gearbox chatter. Sometimes if you raise the idle speed a tad it will stop it.
Gearbox chatter at idle has been a problem with many makes for many years, so it's not just a Land Rover problem.
I rather suspect that your box was full of thick gear oil prior to the garage draining it, they will have refilled it with ATF or MTF. Gear oil does help dampen gearbox chatter. Sometimes if you raise the idle speed a tad it will stop it.

Ok, well it was maybe the first clutch change its had so maybe cos it wasnt a LR unit that went back in that might make sense? I dont get how it was fine after but took 8 miles for it to start rattling like homer simpsons brain cells. I take it all on board though and will discuss with the garage tomo am. It used to be quiet as a mouse tho. Gutted like a kid who dropped the candy floss!
Thanks fellas for your advice. So to recap then, just kinda keep driving it and see what happens to the rattle. Chances are that it will go away as the clutch beds in?and then stick some thick oil in. Sounds a plan!

Thanks again and praise be to Forums!! :D
Gearbox chatter at idle has been a problem with many makes for many years, so it's not just a Land Rover problem.
I rather suspect that your box was full of thick gear oil prior to the garage draining it, they will have refilled it with ATF or MTF. Gear oil does help dampen gearbox chatter. Sometimes if you raise the idle speed a tad it will stop it.
completely wrong, landy gear box chatter is well known clutch fault,gear box wouldnt change gear properly with thick oil and baulk rings would have come out as filings, oil pump would be knackered, its not a gear box fault
completely wrong, landy gear box chatter is well known clutch fault,gear box wouldnt change gear properly with thick oil and baulk rings would have come out as filings, oil pump would be knackered, its not a gear box fault

You're funny, in a funny sort of way :doh:
actually quite funny in real life ,but when you know what fault is, its annoying that people dont seem to see that
Thanks fellas for your advice. So to recap then, just kinda keep driving it and see what happens to the rattle. Chances are that it will go away as the clutch beds in?and then stick some thick oil in. Sounds a plan!

Thanks again and praise be to Forums!! :D
dont put thick oil in box or you will be replacing gear box,it isnt answer
The stage is all yours my dear, as a mechanic with 40 years under my belt I take a bow and leave. :D
you may well be a mechanic with forty years which is good but you aint built and repaired as many boxes as me otherwise you wouldnt ask someone to put thicker oil in r380 and would know of clutch fault in lrs

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