i can only apologise, it's just that the man turned up looked , said it is a good un, did not quible about the price, slapped a deposit on it. shook hands on the deal. so please tell me. WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE, i had seven people say they would come and view and only one turned up. once again i am truly sorry but i did contact you to tell you, which saved you a very long drive and a waste of time, best wishes with your search.

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I would of honoured the person you spoke to only the night before saying he would have it and be there Saturday to pay for it and to collect it, but I guess we don't live I a world of common decency anymore!!
a very fair comment for which i have apologised, but how could i guarantee you would turn up and not offer me the advertised price. to which i would then have maybe lost other potential buyers. once again i do apologise but thats all i can do.

a very fair comment for which i have apologised, but how could i guarantee you would turn up and not offer me the advertised price. to which i would then have maybe lost other potential buyers. once again i do apologise but thats all i can do.


Why apologize - money is money, if its there in front of you - you take it!! its simple - may seem un-fair but at the end of the day life is and like you said you couldn't guarantee people coming and not coming - you did the right thing
thank you for seeing it the way i did, but being a yorkshire lad i still believe in common decency(ee! by gum, i was brought up with manners tha nos!!:D) so i felt it only right to say sorry.

I would of honoured the person you spoke to only the night before saying he would have it and be there Saturday to pay for it and to collect it, but I guess we don't live I a world of common decency anymore!!

if you wanted it you should have sealed the deal with a deposit .... there are many ways to transfer money these days ..... ;)

a lesson for the future perhaps :D

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