
New Member
Hi all

Recently bought a 300tdi disco, after selling my troublesome p38 range rover.... say no more!

Very happy with the old girl.... simple, basic and a manual so should be ok........................................

until a rather worrying noise from the engine, a loud knocking noise has developed over the past few days with this I noticed that is quite a severe wobble to the crankshaft pulley, that or it is off piste.

What is worrying me is the crankshaft and bearings is this a cause of the noise.

Any advice much appreciated.

Cheers all
I 2nd the prior post, if it helps.....after buying my 1st 300tdi I was worried by a knocking noise from the engine particularly from cold but I consulted a few "experts" eg ex owners of the same model and they said mine was one of the quietest 300tdi's they had ever me its a rattly engine compared to other 4wd of the same era but it seems to be normal and after a year or so and another 15,000 km its still going strong.

On this forum you will find a number of sources of noises a common one being the engine driven vacuum pump for the brakes.

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