Active Member
It was only a matter of time before I had to put a thread up regarding a problem fitting the engine...

Its a 300tdi up to a defender r380. And I'm having great difficulty getting the engine to sit up to the bell housing correctly. The top of the engine sits up to the bell housing fine at 12 o clock. However the bottom of the engine is an inch and half away from the bell housing.

No matter what I do, I can't get it to butt up. If I lower the engine, it sits on the engine mounts.

Any advise, tips and comments welcomed. Thanks guys
Is the gearbox mounted at the correct height? You have not missed out any bushes / spacers or anything?

can you jack the bell housing up to close the bottom gap

Thinking about it, can't you raise the gearbox front a little? I can't really remember, but dont they both keep.each other in place?

Thanks all for your help.

I've done that chaps, tried to jack the bell housing/gearbox with no luck. I used a clutch alignment tool bought off ebay too so I don't think that's the problem.

Granted the engine hoist does seem to be lifting the front of the engine, but no matter how I position the chains, the hoist still seems to lift the front. Then when I lower it, it's hitting the chassis engine mounts so I can't lower it anymore.

I'm a real novice it this, never removed or fitted an engine before so it's all learning for me.

How much can I jack the gearbox up without doin any damage anywhere?
How much can I jack the gearbox up without doin any damage anywhere?

A fair bit, basically the front of the gearbox drops quite a lot because the engine keeps it level. Failing that you could take the mounts off the side of the engine. I always use an engine leveller from machine mart. If you're desperate I can meet you on the m54 early tomorrow morning as I'm going for a play in Wales :p
When I did mine ! (300tdi Disco) I had the same problem:eek: Ba*ted would NOT go together:mad::mad:
Droped box in to pit AGAIN:mad: TOOK CLUTCH out & found it would not go on G/BOX main shaft
Gave it a clout with a HAMMER & got it sliding on & off ! built it back together & it when't together straight away no probs !:):)
A fair bit, basically the front of the gearbox drops quite a lot because the engine keeps it level. Failing that you could take the mounts off the side of the engine. I always use an engine leveller from machine mart. If you're desperate I can meet you on the m54 early tomorrow morning as I'm going for a play in Wales :p

That's very kind of you again mate thank you for the offer. I'll give it another go with the jack a bit more under the gearbox, and try the hoit's in another position, and see how we get on. Thank you

Magicgrotto, thank you too for your help. Yeah it's deffo an r380 haha, i may try taking the clutch off like you and see if it fits on the shaft OK.

Cheers to you all, I'll give it another bash tomorrow. Fingers crossed
This could be a daft question lads, but i have to ask just incase...

300tdi discovery engine mounting brackets are the same as defender 300tdi arent they? They fit to the block the same I know that. Just wondered if they were a different height or something.
This could be a daft question lads, but i have to ask just incase...

300tdi discovery engine mounting brackets are the same as defender 300tdi arent they? They fit to the block the same I know that. Just wondered if they were a different height or something.

Not as far as I'm aware, I've just dropped a complete discovery 300tdi, R380 and lt230 straight into a defender chassis.
Still no luck chaps. Really annoying now!

Jacked gearbox up, then the opposite happened, gap at the top of the bellhousing and closed up at the bottom. Even if I go half way and split the difference it still won't go!

Took engine back out, double checked clutch plate would go on gearbox shaft, it slid on no problem. Checked alignment with spigot bush, also fine. I used a genuine landrover spigot bush too

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