
New Member
I just bought another Discovery, my second, the previous one while mechanically strong rusted to dust. I replaced it with a Shogun which did everything I wanted, but it too dissolved with rust.

So I'm back in the Land Rover fold.

I found an unwelded 300tdi Discovery down in Cumbria on ebay and drove it back to Scotland. I immediatly became worried about its lack of power.

On my return, I changed the air and fuel filters, the EGR valve, the fuel lift pump. I've now blanked off the egr valve and fitted the bypass hose, and fitted a de cat exhaust. Some of the power has increased, but I have to rev the engine to well over 2000 rpm before the turbo kicks in.

I will mostly use the Discovery for towing a large trailer, so really need some low down torque.

It's a while since my last Discovery, so can't recall the power delivery characteristics. Should I have to rev the engine this hard? What else should I look at to regain the performance?
Turbo kicks in about 1750 or so, maybe an air leak in the pressure pipe to injector pump, or the diaphragm has been tweaked the wrong way, or leaky turbo pipes.

Check the turbo output as mine was flat when bought turned out it was because it had no blasted fins on the turbo itself so no boost, was like driving a soggy paper bag.
How can I do a diy check on the turbo output? I'll take the hose off the end of the turbo and check for fins, or lack thereof.

Where is the diaphram on the pump?
On top of fuel injection pump for diaphragm, got a small black pipe coming from turbo.

You could possibly pull hose off of intercooler from turbo, run engine and give it a quick blip on throttle, should get a whoosh of air blowing out, or you can squeeze hose while revving it a bit, hose should go hard.

The best way is to fit a boost gauge.

Is there any smoke? What colour if so?
Thanks for that, I'll check in the morning.

Smoke? Nothing at all, nothing nasty either black or white. If I push my hand against the end of the exhaust I get a feint sooty deposit.
Ok, so an open the throttle and squeeze the hose test at leat confirms the Turbo is producing some boost.

By ear, I can't detect any air being sucked or blown out from any of the turbo hoses.

So I suppose the injector pump diaphram should be my next focus. Do you have a picture you can post of where the adjustment screw is?
Good news!

I flushed the intercooler beforehand just to make sure it wasn't clogged then adjusted the fuel pump as described in the link.

The power is back! I stay on a hill previously the Discovery could barely pull out of the driveway. Now it pulls like a train! I'll need to get the trailer hitched up and get a load of wood from the sawmill.

The old Shogun could pull this reasonably well, I'm hoping the Discovery can too!
Good news!

I flushed the intercooler beforehand just to make sure it wasn't clogged then adjusted the fuel pump as described in the link.

The power is back! I stay on a hill previously the Discovery could barely pull out of the driveway. Now it pulls like a train! I'll need to get the trailer hitched up and get a load of wood from the sawmill.

The old Shogun could pull this reasonably well, I'm hoping the Discovery can too!

**** !:eek: I hope you dont have far to go! :D

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