has anyone made the sill to chassis mounts ? if so, any pics ?
i was thinking 3mm plate, welded in a U shape, upside down. if that makes sence haha.
hopefully be getting more steel tomorrow, box to start the back of the cab, sheet steel for back of cab, floorpans and inner wings, 75x3 flat bar to make sill mounts etc. 2" tube to start cage and arches etc. :)
I make my mounts from large box section with 1 end cut off to form the U shape then welded them to the sill
I make my mounts from large box section with 1 end cut off to form the U shape then welded them to the sill

80x80 box should be ok then ?

orderd 3 sheets of steel, a length of 25x50 box, 2 lengths of 2" tube and some 50x3 flat bar today, should be hear lunch time tomorrow :D
well I didn't do it MSA spec because the only bender (lol) I could find which didn't want the earth was utter pants, couldn't even do a simple hoop right!
but if you can its not to much extra work, and it'l be worth while. there is plenty of info out there on the net, mainly right tube, right hoop angle and configuration and the mounts!
Also plenty of help on here too!
ive got a pipe bender im uing, its no the best tho, had a quick look on tinterweb, dont think il bother.
im not planning on competing so should be ok :)
well my thoughts are, its not MSA.. but that's just a guide to make it strong, just because its not how they say don't meant its not strong, and its better than nothing!

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