steven walker

Active Member
My defender just came to a standstill tonight and wouldn’t re will turn over but not start,engine was warm,plenty of diesel in but it just cut out as I approached a junction and wouldn’t start.
A bit too dark to see anything and pouring down with rain!
I’ve just got it towed into a parking space and had to leave it.
Any ideas as best place to start looking?
Timing belt has only been on a year or so ,fuel filter new last winter.
Hi Steve take the fuel filter off & see how much fuels in it :) should be full :) you ant blown a fuse have you to the fuel shut off ??
I will check fuse tommorow and take off fuel filter and have a look
Why do these things always happen in the pouring rain and dark
Hahahahaha coss they can :oops: hope you get it sorted :) not much rain tomorrow but a wash out thursday so get it fixed tomorrow
Will get to it tommorow and have a look
It happened right on a really busy junction at rush hour (5.30) in the pouring rain !
The joys of defenders eh
It’s first time it’s actually ever let me down in 4years of ownership
It’s had odd niggles but never actually left me stranded until tonight .
Will get to it tommorow and have a look
It happened right on a really busy junction at rush hour (5.30) in the pouring rain !
The joys of defenders eh
It’s first time it’s actually ever let me down in 4years of ownership
It’s had odd niggles but never actually left me stranded until tonight .
Can happen to anyone, not just defender owners. I passed a 66 plate Nissan the other night with it's bonnet up getting assistance on the side of the A1
How can I check if it’s the lift pump phill?
Connect a long length of fuel pipe to the filter intake and put in a Jerry can of fuel st on top of the wing giving a gravity fed fuel supply. If it start like this it is likely to be lift pump.

Did it just suddenly stop or did it splutter/lose power first? Also is it hemorrhaging any of its vital fluids?

Having just had my timing belt snap, I would also not rule that out! But check the more simple things first, like power to the stop solenoid and a decent fuel supply. easy way to confirm it is not the cam belt is to take the rocker cover off and see if the valves are moving as you try to start it.
Thanks for all your help guys.
Yes it just stopped at a junction and wouldn’t re start,no coughing and spluttering,just stopped and ignition lights came on.

I went to it today ,the fuel filter was full of fuel ,tried to start it but wouldn’t start.
I did eventually get it to start buy force starting it spraying aerosol up the air filter intake,it started eventually then ran at idle for 15mins,I turned it off and tried starting again and all was good,it started straight away??
Could my fuel pump be on its way out?
I’ve just taken it for a 45minute drive and all was fine
Weird how it just cut out and wouldn’t re start and now it’s fine?
Well I’ve had a good look over everything today and can honestly see nothing at all wrong
I’m very worried though that it could happen again at any time with no warning if it’s fuel pump that’s on its way out.
I’ve ordered a new lift pump as they’re only cheap and I will fit it on as soon as it comes but I don’t think that is where the problem is
Friends 300tdi did the same whilst out laning, turned out to be a combination of lift pump and tank pick up blocked with black crap from the tank.
Put a piece of clear tube between the lift pump and injection pump, it doesn’t really matter where it goes, but I put mine on the output of the lift pump I think. That will show if it was air in the fuel. Mine died like that at the start of the year, but it lacked power before it died. It was a pig to restart too.
What’s best way to clean out fuel line/tank?
After checking everything I can think of and finding no reason why it just cut out on me all I can think of is dirt in fuel? It’s been absolutely fine ever since but I just don’t want to risk it happening again
I’ve put new lift pump on,new fuel filter on but both old ones seemed fine
Want to clean my fuel tank now

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