Right.... here we go. Tried derv straight to the lift pump from a jar, bleed the system and she fired and ran fine. Re-connected the fuel tank line then stuck a brick on the throttle to keep the revs up, went into the house, made a roll up, sparked it up and drank half a cup of tea then lo and behold the same problem occurred. So, presuming the problem is somewhere between the tank and the lift pump. But when I physically sucked on the pipe I was getting mouthfulls of diesel!!! Help again..:)
Have you tried changing the filter as you may have now pulled **** from the tank to block it-I would say sedimenter but I am sure you said yours does not have one-might be worth blowing down pipe to tank to make sure not partially blocked-start her on the bottle of derv again and stick the return line into a container-watch for bubbles of air (in the return line)when you reconnect to tank supply-if you are getting bubbles you have to find where the air is getting in-presumably you haven't got any summer diesel left in your tank,cause if so it is probably waxing .If you want to filter the tank contents,a J cloth held across a funnel top with pegs filters to around 5 micron.
Thanks for the advice i will give it a try tomorrow. Bloody thing!! I bypassed the sedimenter completely on another chaps advice. Will let you know how I get on. Thanks Again.
I seem to have now narrowed the problem down to the actual filter assembley and the pipe between the lift pump and the filter. The pipe is clear but it almost seems as though there is not enough diesel pressure to push up to the filter from the lift pump. Take the pipe off and diesel sprays out the lift pump in spurts but nothing from the top of the pipe when connected but off at the filter. I took the pump feed off the top of the filter and ran it straight from a jar and away it goes. So I just dont get it. It should be working now, any ideas at this late stage in the game? Was thinking about replacing the filter and filter assembly, ie housing, pipes etc.
Have you got a plug of "ice " in the top of the pipe-sometimes there is a small gauze inside the banjo-is this blocked-"ice".or crap.
Take the pipe inside-warm it up and blow it clear-prolly the same for the filter housing.
Seems like you have water (now frozen) or **** in your tank.
You are nearly sorted.
Thats everything in the kitchen sink now in hot water. I am also in hot water when the missus saw me soaking car parts in the kitchen lol!
Thats deisel starting to pour from the tank line with the cap off but just a trickle so I dont know if this has been blocked for a while and now coming through also
Is the diesel coming out the bottom of the lift supposed to just squirt a little when engine running or should it flow?
Yah ****ing dancer yayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its fixed, finally after 4 weeks of misery, staved thumbs, freezing cold and 1000's of swear words she is running and well!!! Thanks very much to everyone for their words of encouragement and advice:clap2:
Just found and read this thread , and I have had the very same probs with my disco , ended up with new filter , new lift pump , and sedimenter clean out , and a good blow through of the fuel pipes , thought I had solved the prob , went to pick up HWMBO from work just go going again and the old prob started , , back down to about crawling at about 5 mph ,the outside temp was –12 , so we put the prob down to waxing (wind chill factor on fuel pipes , -15/17 maybe more ? ), and cheap supermarket diesel, now on shell fuel and have tie wrapped some lagging on fuel pipes that I can get at , and up to now iv’e had no repeat of the probs ,,,,,,,,
It's a very plausible reason, but for information only, windchill does not affect inanimate objects only we can sense windchill.

But yes it very well be waxing in this weather with the crap fuel we get now.
Hi, had an issue this morning after leaving it in the cold for 2 weeks. Replacement pump on order, but I was wondering if water could freeze in the sedimenter, expand and ruin fuel flow?
Anyone had this?
Drained sedimenter via tap, had to wiggle a stick up there to get it to drain, and not as much as i would have thought came out but its clearly empty. Ice would have been at the bottom. Im hoping this is symptomatic of ice / waxing in the lines or something too as its been bastid cold. Perfect time to sell a land rover :/
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