
Dummy Ejection Facilitator..
Had a bit of a problem with my clutch. slight juddering whn depressing pedal and jerkiness when pulling away, accompanied by a grinding noise when slipping the clutch. So I decided it wa time for a noo clutch.

This was me 110 at 10 OClock. This morning.

This was it 4hrs later :eek:


Friction plate has lost it's Friction :eek:


Pressure Plate is fooked where the rivets have gouged 2 grooves. springs are fooked and so is release bearing


Flywheel has cracked thru and is fooked


Sipog bush has seen better days


I reckon There's a few thousand miles left on it But BB reckons not :mad:

Strangely enough It drove fine apart from a slight juddering when taking up drive??
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thats very poor ,its been awhile since ive seen a flywheel as bad as that one ,thats had some misuse prior to plate disintergrating
thats very poor ,its been awhile since ive seen a flywheel as bad as that one ,thats had some misuse prior to plate disintergrating

Used to belong to a Farmers son, who did Agricultural welding, fabrication & repairs. Probably been ragged round half the fields in Somerset & Wiltshire.

I couldn't believe it was still driving fine. apart from a slight judder when depressing pedal. :confused:
Used to belong to a Farmers son, who did Agricultural welding, fabrication & repairs. Probably been ragged round half the fields in Somerset & Wiltshire.

I couldn't believe it was still driving fine. apart from a slight judder when depressing pedal. :confused:
a life with clutch slip by the look of it
I've pikied the Flywheel off BB's old 200Tdi Engine... :eek: Just don't tell him.. :D

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