
Active Member
My disco 300tdi has developed a loud and annoying chirp, after changing the tensioner unit, water pump and belt. The annoying thing is it only does it under load, so finding out where it's originating from is an issue. It's quite if revved. Any ideas?
Thanks will do, just seems a bit annoying that you put all these new parts on and then have to jam a penny in the tensioner for it to be quiet. But hay'ho if it shuts it up. Jobs a good'un
Might as well leave as is - its probably Doing a good job of hiding another irritating squeak or rattle!
Could be power steering pump, alternator or viscous fan bearing too. Might be worth taking belt off and try turning those bearings by hand to see if any feel rough (PS pump will feel a bit different due to its internals).
Do you have a bird stuck on your grill? I once got a pigeon stuck in my roof rack once, stupid thing wouldn't shut up!
If it's quiet when stationary check your ujs had a chirping on mine and drove me nuts trying to find it.
I had a similar issue on my 300tdi after fitting a new tensioner, chased it for weeks, spent an afternoon moving a penny about, in the end I swapped the tensioner for a genuine part and sent the first replacement back for a refund.
I had a similar noise on my 300 it turned out to be my bonnet pins, I have pins not a catch and it was Squeaking like a good un, only did it under load ie when driving so i thought it was a tensioner or something. So what I'm saying is don't assume that it is only coming from the engine.
Had the same with mine, really sounded like a budgie or somthing, changed all the UJs and never heard it again.

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