

Anybody have an idea what this might be (see video)

On starting engine the noise isn't present, but as soon as I give it the slightest bit of throttle it starts. Best way I can describe it is chattering teeth (remember those wind up chattering teeth when we were kids!).
I've had a listen with a "stethoscope" around the area , can hear it in timing casing, but definitely most noisy around top of fuel pump.

I was driving around the field when it first happened, and the engine did run a bit rough under throttle.

Thought i'd ask if anyone has an idea of fault before I dig around.

Thanks a lot for your help as always!
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Remove the auxiliary belt to rule out anything connected to that. Have you put a stethoscope on the vacuum pump? They are known to fail and they can be noisy like that.

My initial thought was the fuel pump but if it's not that and it's not the vacuum pump then it has to be someone in the timing chest. At least with the 300Tdi you don't have to drain the water out to get to the cam belt so it's fairly easy.
Remove the auxiliary belt to rule out anything connected to that. Have you put a stethoscope on the vacuum pump? They are known to fail and they can be noisy like that.

My initial thought was the fuel pump but if it's not that and it's not the vacuum pump then it has to be someone in the timing chest. At least with the 300Tdi you don't have to drain the water out to get to the cam belt so it's fairly easy.

Thanks very much - I was thinking because it is quiet until I hit the throttle, that it must be fuel pump related? I have a spare lift pump so am going to replace that first of all - I have read a few posts on here that they can cause a similar noise??
Thanks very much - I was thinking because it is quiet until I hit the throttle, that it must be fuel pump related? I have a spare lift pump so am going to replace that first of all - I have read a few posts on here that they can cause a similar noise??
Not sure about the lift pump being the noise, but a duff lift pump will cause the injection pump to have to do all the sucking up of fuel which will give poor performance and in my experience causes the injection pump to make a lot of noise. But if you can't hear the noise coming from the injection pump then it's doubtful it's that. But check the vacuum pump. Also, as mojo247 has said it could be the timing belt so if your not sure you should get it looked at. Is it a normal stethoscope or an engineering stethoscope? Engineering ones are a lot better at pinpointing a noise.
Well I had a chance today to have a go at repairing the problem. Thought I’d start with replacing the lift pump, and also changed the fuel filter while I was at it.


Thanks very much for your suggestions and assistance

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