
New Member
Hi all,

1994, 300tDi

- oil dripping oil out of the exhaust, physically dripping out and thought it was just from the excess oil in the engine so have been trying to burn it off. (this has only been happening since service 1 week ago)
- Took it for a quick drive and as I was going up an incline in second (load) i heard almost like the cooler piping had come loose and a really airy sound from exhaust, however usually when that happens the noise is from the engine bay (on previous cars), or where the cooler pipe is leaking.
- I have checked all that and I am receiving a really really airy sound coming from the exhaust tip? I can try post a video?

Also doesn't seem to have much power on boost.....(ie no turbo thrust)

Any one have any idea what this could be?

Thanks for your assistance
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It sounds like a pipe in the turbo system has split or delaminated - easy to check and easy to fix with new silicon hoses for sensible money....

The oil dripping is a concern, and I suggest you look at this ASAP, as it might result in a runaway if left as is... ( the engine runs on its own lube oil supply which enters through failed turbo bearings - unless you can stall it, it won't end well :(). Hopefully its just normal accumulation of oil escaping from the intercooler through the split pipe.....but check!
It sounds like a pipe in the turbo system has split or delaminated - easy to check and easy to fix with new silicon hoses for sensible money....

The oil dripping is a concern, and I suggest you look at this ASAP, as it might result in a runaway if left as is... ( the engine runs on its own lube oil supply which enters through failed turbo bearings - unless you can stall it, it won't end well :(). Hopefully its just normal accumulation of oil escaping from the intercooler through the split pipe.....but check!

Thank you for the post appreciate the help. I'll check the hoses again is there a way to see if they delaminate? Or just need replacing? Also it's making this airy sound from tailpipe ever since the incident occurred
This would lead me to believe that the waste gate may have failed - I.E. be stuck open... but you still need to find out where the oil is coming from.....

I tend to agree with you, it does appear to be pointing in that direction.... I think a video will help try solve it from the expertise on this forum will try get one up Sunday night thanks for your assistance

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