New Member
Hi all

So I purchased Land Rover Defender 90 Pick Up 300tdi 1998 about 2-3 weeks ago.

Over the last couple of days I noticed a fair amount of oil on my drive. When I looked underneath it appeared to be coming from the sump and the transfer box cover.

I called the dealer I bought it from who suggested I take it to my local garage for them to diagnose. He suggested depending on what was wrong they would pay the bill for my local garage to correct the problem.

My local garage diagnosed it as requiring a sump gasket and the transfer boxing re-sealing. Quite a big job. They also said it needs doing asap, otherwise long term it will cause damage.

Upon calling the dealer I bought it from, he has said that it's too big a job and it is not something he's willing to do at all!!! Even at his dealership garage. His words were 'we're not pulling apart a transfer box to fix a little oil leak' The leak in my opinion is not little, there has been a fair amount left on my drive over the past couple of days.

This vehicle cost £6625 and was sold with a three month basic warranty to cover engine, transmission and diff. It was also sold with a full service and wax oil treatment.

I have four questions really:

1. Would you expect this problem to be covered by the warranty?
2. Will it indeed cause damage if not fixed?
3. Would you expect this problem to have been noticed during service or wax oil treatment?
4. If he refuses to do the work what are my rights in terms of returning the vehicle for a refund?

I won't name the dealer as yet, due to the fact that after some argument he has agreed to at least look at the vehicle. However, if his stance remains the same I will certainly be letting you all know. Up to now and even when purchasing the vehicle he has been rude and condescending.

Not a good experience!!!

Many thanks in advance for any help or advice
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ide ring em up and say .
you are bringing back the vehicle...
shall i drive it or would you want to collect.considering the oil leaks
also ring citizens advice they will give you all your info needed...
as above. you have the right to take it back for full refund. he may refute this and make it difficult i doubt he will just go fair one and refund be prepared for a fight go to citizens advice. if you loose all your oil it will seize everything and write it off. its not a dificult job just time consuming
Thanks chaps. I'm wondering if it is best to wait and see what they say when I take the vehicle in. If they are prepared to fix it I would be happy with that. The vehicle is in excellent condition in every other way.

What do you think?

If I decide to return it, could you recommend and trusted dealers? I notice Captain you are from Bradford way. What are your thoughts on Pennine Autos?
If youre otherwise happy, worth getting fixed.

Sump gasket is quick and easy, transfer box a bit more of a pain.

Have you cleaned all the oil off to be sure where it's coming from - does tend to spray about and get everywhere after a drive

As most (all?) Landys leak to some extent, if the transfer box one is small and most is coming fromthe sump, you may struggle to insist on both leaks being fixed
#### me how much,

Does the dealer start with "N"

Sounds like a Money Claim Online time.
It's a tad dark to get a decent pic but I'll get one up for tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's a pic of another vehicle. This is pretty much exactly what mine looks like, but with a bit more oil.


Nope the dealer does not start with 'N' I probably can say the dealer is based not far from Macclesfield
Oh also, if it is running low on oil because of these leaks. Would I be finding any issues changing gear?
He HAS to fix it under the sale if goods act. The vehicle is not fit for purpose and he either repairs or refunds you for the vehicle.

Stand your ground and don't take any ****.

Here's the section on the CAB website about it. There's what letters to write, etc if you need to as well. Used it on two cars so far and got full refunds on both :D

Citizens Advice - The car you bought is not roadworthy
Remind him how well a 90 would look through his dealership window on Saturday eve. What a tosspot of a car dealer to say he's not going to repair it.
Tell him about this post and if he doesnt sort it to your satisfaction its name and shame time!
How big a puddle of oil does it leave if stood for a short time?
Thats quite some oil leak, the odd drip is quite normal, I cant remember the exact size but on mots for the trucks if the puddle exceeds a certain size thats a reason for mot fail, how long was the mot?
Dont worry about any warrenty they may have given you, the law is on your side for 6 months under sale of goods, mention this, if he still does not want to know go to cab then perhaps get a solicitor involved in the long run get your costs back of seller. If you are unhappy dont accept a repair, return it and go elsewhere, plenty about

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