
Hi...I am reluctantly selling my Defender - there are a number of reasons but basically I don't have a 'sensible' vehicle and we have ageing parents who simple cannot just 'jump' in the back so I need something much more boring!!

I have a '96 90 300 TDi that was a hard top / van but I had it professionally changed to a Station Wagon. It is a County model so already had the Alpine windows in the roof and the extra rear windows either side of the door. I bought refurbished genuine LR sliding side windows and four folding rear seats that were installed by my local LR specialist. Most conversions don't use the correct seat belt fixings but I sourced the correct bars including the section that attaches to the chassis at the rear (the all important bit - that is very rare and hard to find) - there are four lap straps attached to the bar

Just before this past winter the underside was stripped and protected and brake hoses / pipes replaced as necessary. Also a new fuel tank installed.

I really enjoy owning this vehicle but I don't have room for any more cars!! So I've been told!!

If this is what you might be looking for send over a list of questions and I'll do my best to answer. And can take some snaps too - let me know what you want

I live in Solihull and work just off J3 M42

I was offered £8000 towards the end of last year - looking for about that figure...

Hi ,

One thing is, even if it was professionally changed to a CSW does this mean it is now LEZ compliant? did you manage to get that changed as well?

Didn't change V5 mate. I'm told that it can be changed and made LEZ compliant. I was told by the LEZ dudes after getting collared for £100 a year or so ago!! They said I can change details with DVLA and update the vehicle on their data.

It's on the 'to do list' - but not near the top!!

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