My mate has a TD5 110 and we get up to 80-85 on the motorway. Mpg not amazing at those speeds, about 25ish iirc, but ive heard tdi's aren't as good after you get past 55-60. No experience with TDIs though.

Hells bells why would you want to do 85mph in a Defender lol

I have a TD5 and a 300tdi, both are CSW's and both will sit at 60-70 mph on the motorway. However 65mph seems to be the best speed for the TD5 and 60mph for the 300tdi.

If you must, the TD5 will sit at 75mph.
Both My 300TDis sat at 70MPH no problem
I like the 300 as its simple to fix but I believe the TD5 is more refined but more complex.
The problem you have at around £1-2000 is you have loads of both models in various stages of repair.
I would have a look at a few and see if you find a preference and then just buy the best you can find.
Hells bells why would you want to do 85mph in a Defender lol

Haha well it was extremely noisy and felt quite on edge, but we were doing 80-85 all the motorway bits from manchester to the north of scotland, and we've done that a few times. And I was sitting in the back row seats! The landy was always in really good condition before the trip. The difference between 70 and 80 is really obvious when you're doing such a long trip!

After the trip we share the (substantial!) fuel cost and work out MPG, it came out at a bit over 20 (maybe as high as 25, can't remember).
I've been to Scotland, Norfolk and St lves in Cornwall in the Defender.

I find that it's best to just sit at 65 and let the world go by, at that speed it does 30mpg and you still get there. Sure it takes a bit longer, but after all you are driving a Land Rover and not a BMW.

Having said that, l don't think it will do the Land Rover any actual harm driving flat out for hours, if that is what you want to do.

In that case l'd go for the TD5.

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