
Active Member
Recently removed the head, head gasket in good nick but some of the valves were a bit tight to remove from the guides - had to be tapped out with a punch and mallet. Most of the valve stem oil seals were knackered and some of the valves were majorly coked up.

What's caused the valves to be this tight in the guides? Is it the lack of stem oil seals?
Some had valve caps, some had remains of valve caps...the rest of the caps were in the sump.
I found the same on my head - two valves needed gently drifting out and the level of coke around the inlet ports was off the scale and this on an engine with water injection albeit only for the past 10,000 miles out of 134,000.

Truly did not expect the state of the head when I got to inspect it.

All went back together well though after a full decoke, skim and three days in a power bath!

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