So, my Discovery has already been nicknamed 'Diva' by the kids as she's so temperamental! We have only had her a fortnight and haven't been able to drive her for half of that due to immobiliser issues. When I could drive her, she slowly released me onto the seat bars as the diaphrahm under the seat split. It was a bizarre feeling to say the least, and being quite short, I could little afford to drop those few inches....seeing over the dash became a challenge.....cue large cushion from the sofa.
Anyway, I took the seat out today and made some basic repairs to tide me over until the next 'adventure' that Dica decides to take me on!
I used some bungee chords and my corsetry skills (along with a crochet hook) and some nifty knot tying to create what I shall call 'franken_seat MK1'
I couldn't resist the temptation to take some photos and share.
Actually quite a tidy and workmanlike repair:cool:, maybe that should be workwomanlike in your case! :)
Shame you posted it where few would see it. Hoping it will now be moved somewhere more can admire your corsetry skills!
Thanks Turboman! I didn't really know where to post it, so took a guess.
Afraid the forum doesn't seem to have an embroidery section! :( :D
Didn't seem to get noticed in Members Vehicles, I would have gone for General Landrover Chat myself! ;) But the boss seems to have thought Disco, which I spose is fair enough, it is errr, a Disco! :)
Well I've now noticed it and it looks damn good to me :)
Having no patience or skill in this department, my solution was to just buy a second hand leather interior :)
Looks excellent. Careful, we'll all start sending you our knackered seats for repair. I've got two here waiting for you!!
just bought new foam and rubber mat from exmoor trim easy to fit and transforms your seat comfy bum now
I was going to do that, but thought I'd have a crack at fixing it for £4 before I spent out on an upgraded diaphragm....and so far so good....though I'm under no illusion that it's still an old seat and will likely need a proper job like you have done.
Looks excellent. Careful, we'll all start sending you our knackered seats for repair. I've got two here waiting for you!!
Well....I am looking for ways to 'pay for' or 'skills exchange' for all the bits and bobs I'm gonna need to get the landy up to spec!!
shame you are miles from me but a good friend of mine is a good upolsterer think thats how you spell it lol exmoor will cost you about £100 but its nice n comfy
shame you are miles from me but a good friend of mine is a good upolsterer think thats how you spell it lol exmoor will cost you about £100 but its nice n comfy

I looked at Emoor Trim. I have to say £100 for a new diaphragm and foam is good value. I even contemplated their replacement seat covers, because they look great too, but I'm pretty sure I need to focus on some more key issues with my limited budget and see what else she has in store for me before I get carried away
looks good as it is,just dont jump up n down
on the seat it will tend to hurt your head,but
not your purse,well done.:rolleyes:.

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