blocked DPFs are more prevalent but amount to the same problem of exhaust back pressure.
Have a read

  • Oil leaks into the compressor housing can be seen as a consequence of exhaust gas forcing its way into the CHRA from the turbine side and forcing oil through the oil seal on the compressor side.
That's very interesting, thank you. I don't know how they differ inside to a CAT, but that certainly sounds like something I need to investigate. The amount of soot and carbon around the piston crowns when I stripped the engine was shocking, so I could well imagine that whatever is inside the CAT could be choked. Cheers, mate :)
@windy81 I'm going to try my local motor factors tomorrow to see what they can get me for Tuesday. Failing that, I'll order a full system from Paddocks or Craddocks on Tuesday. Many thanks. :)
blimey. Wouldn't it be best to check if it is blocked first. Fair play to you though. Might be an old rag down there
blimey. Wouldn't it be best to check if it is blocked first. Fair play to you though. Might be an old rag down there
No idea how I could check if it's blocked. The guy on the phone at the motor factors turned out to be a Landy enthusiast too, so we had a good chat. He said his sisters Saab 93 had a leaking turbo so they swapped it. New one still leaked and it turned out to be a blocked DPF.
@Al2O3 , just seen your post here - could you not temporarily replace the CAT with a straight/flexile pipe to rule out CAT blockage?
@Al2O3 , just seen your post here - could you not temporarily replace the CAT with a straight/flexile pipe to rule out CAT blockage?
Hi Mate. Yes, but a straight pipe is about £80 and the pipe with the CAT in is £120, so I didn't think it was worth it. If it did cure the problem I would have to buy another CAT pipe before the next MOT anyway.
When I took the head off in October 2019 the soot/carbon build up on top of the pistons was terrible.

So, I should imagine the inside of the exhaust and particularly the CAT will be pretty bad too.
I'm hoping that the problem started with the badly fitting return pipes. The problem is the Landy has run almost daily since the rebuild and has done over 30K miles, burning oil all the while. Now I've got the genuine return pipe on I'm hoping the cause of the problem has changed to the CAT being choked and the back pressure pushing exhaust gas and oil through the seals.
It certainly sounds feasible that this is the problem now. I've got my fingers crossed big style.
Last edited:
Should have posted an update earlier tonight!
Drove to motor factors just after lunch as they said the downpipe/CAT would be in their morning delivery. It wasn't :( They said it was being couriered in this afternoon and they would give me a call when it came in. So, I drove home (11 miles) and took the current downpipe off. I did get the call and I picked it up just after 5pm (they close at 5:30) I did have time to put it on, however, I've got a very wary grey squirrel that is eluding me. From my trail camera it's been turning up at the feeder at day break and sunset, so I went to the wood to wait for it tonight. It did turn up, but just foraged in the background, about four trees back from the feeder, and never came in range. :rolleyes: So, I'm up at 4:45 to be in place for it coming for it's breakfast at 5:45. Hopefully, it turns up on queue and I'll be back for a very early start putting the new pipe on. I'm the most nervous/excited I've been with anything I've ever done with the Landy :eek:
try and see if the current cat is blocked. It'll be interesting to see if this is the cause if not i'll feel bad about saying it as you've spent quite a bit
Got the new down pipe and CAT on. Set up the turbo outlet test.
Before picture

Nice and clean.
After the test drive

Usual oil spray pattern from turbo outlet.
Devastated :(
If the issue is a bad oil return pipe causing a build up of oil pressure the seals work again once the fault is sorted. I presume the seals will work again if the problem was exhaust back pressure that's been sorted?

Anyway, I might as well take the new downpipe/CAT off to save it getting choked with soot. Haven't got the go in me to do it just yet.
Sat for three hours in the wood from 5:30 and didn't get the grey squirrel either. Bit of a sh1t day so far :rolleyes:
Gutted. Out of ideas now as to what this could be. You've literally tried everything.
For sure oil is getting through the turbo and into the intake as to why that is nobody knows as the turbo is new, oil pressure is fine, correct oil, correct oil temperature, good oil return.

If it's any comfort my newly rebuilt 200tdi is doing the same on a brand spanking new turbo from Turbo Technics and like yourself everything is brand new around it.

Gutted. Out of ideas now as to what this could be. You've literally tried everything.
For sure oil is getting through the turbo and into the intake as to why that is nobody knows as the turbo is new, oil pressure is fine, correct oil, correct oil temperature, good oil return.

If it's any comfort my newly rebuilt 200tdi is doing the same on a brand spanking new turbo from Turbo Technics and like yourself everything is brand new around it.

Ahh no. That's bad news. Bloody hell :mad:
Gutted. Out of ideas now as to what this could be. You've literally tried everything.
For sure oil is getting through the turbo and into the intake as to why that is nobody knows as the turbo is new, oil pressure is fine, correct oil, correct oil temperature, good oil return.

If it's any comfort my newly rebuilt 200tdi is doing the same on a brand spanking new turbo from Turbo Technics and like yourself everything is brand new around it.

Was your old turbo passing oil?
i'm wondering if its the oil itself as i use fully synthetic, legend has it it makes old cars leak but i doubt it
I don't think fully synthetic is the issue. I've tried different oils in mine anyway.
How much oil are you getting through, have you tried to quantify it?

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