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i know its only my second post and yes i have used the search button my problem is and i dont know if it is related to what i have been doing the last two fill up i have done a 50%50 mix of new veg oil and fuel the first one the van ran with no issues the second one on start up getting lots of black smoke and it is hesitant to rev is ok when warm but today when i was in it about 2500 revs its feels like it is strudling for fuel the sedimeny filter has been cleaned out and has had a fuel filter about 4 months ago al this is on a p reg 300 tdi auto disco with 170000 miles on it the only engine mods so far is a de-cat single box system and the erg blanked off and has the fuel pump screw turned up a bit any ideas would be greatfull
If you cleaned both about 4 months ago could be worth checking again, also ceck for air getting into fuel line. how does it drive? power up to those revs or not
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As said above change the fuel filter. I had this on the way to scotland for me jollies. Had only replaced the filter 1 1/2 months before hand. New filter and all was well again
If you cleaned both about 4 months ago could be worth checking again, also ceck for air getting into fuel line. how does it drive? power up to those revs or not
like i said its fine when warm but has started today to hold back under hard revs then clears up again i can put it in park hold the pedal down to about 3000 to 3500 rpm no problem then do it again and it holds back easy off pedal and try again no problem so surley if it was the fuel filter it would do it all the time but for the price of the filter i will give it a go
50/50 mix is a bit much for this time of year. Put some more diesel in [if you have room in the tank]. I had same prob with my auto , so I gave up in the end.A couple of litres petrol in a tank full can help to make the mix less viscous. You might check the lift pump is working as it should also. Good luck.
I'm running peugeot xud diesel as quite happy to kill it.
45% diesel
45% SVO
10% petrol
less than perfect until warm
Back off the cooking oil or upto 15% petrol or preheat oil and run two tank system.

xud finding cold viscosity issues when cold-but it is shagger
just an up date changed filter and cleaned the bowl out still no change car ticks over fine its when you give it some gas it just splutters one other point shoud the lift pump priming handle have any restance in it as mine has none
quick update i have spent all day on the dam thing just i was about to give up i noticed an electrical wire not all the way home on the fuel pump and touch wood it seems ok
imo i would changed the lift pump as mine was like this recently until i changed the lift pump now running better than ever but i am only running straight diesel

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