
New Member
hi has anyone brought one of them performance chips that gos in the ecu thats surposed to improve performance and mpg im thinking of getting one but wondered if anyone else has and has it improved much cheers andy
hi has anyone brought one of them performance chips that gos in the ecu that's supposed to improve performance and mpg. I'm thinking of getting one but wondered if anyone else has and has it improved much cheers Andy

Hi Andy, is your car manual or auto gearbox. If it's a manual the engine has no ECU so there is no re-chipping possible.

If it's an auto box car between '96 and '98 then it does have an ECU, but the set-up is very basic and not many chip companies do them.
its a 1997 auto i found a firm thats selling performace chips for the 300 tdi on ebay for about £90 they claim it improves your mpg and can take it upto around 154 bhp witch if works would be helpfull expecaly when towing
as far as i am aware the only way to chip our pump is to remove the edu chip and have it reprogramed, you can not just plug something in.

i would love to be wrong so let us know how you get on.
its a 1997 auto i found a firm thats selling performace chips for the 300 tdi on ebay for about £90 they claim it improves your mpg and can take it upto around 154 bhp witch if works would be helpfull expecaly when towing

The best way to improve a 300Tdi auto is to..........................

Sell it and get a manwell :D:D:D
well im going to bite the bullit and order one of those chips of ebay ill keep you informed how it goes
having just read the link i think it should be ok, but as i said above you will have to dismantle the ecu and unsolder the chip inside and solder the new one in.

good luck.
when you get it, take a picture of any part numbers on the chip.

You may find its an Eprom or an EEprom in which case it can be copied.

just for a spare of case of damage :)
Hifly...wazzat mean then ? In yokel idiot langauge like what I can (try to) understand ?

there are some chips, intergrated circuits, that can be programed with a cheep programmer connected to a pc, they will copy an existing chip and then you can "burn" (program ) the new one. we used to do it alot on the old bbc micro computers. But it has to be the correct type of chip.

I have done a bit of searching and it may be that what you will get will be a new circuit board with the newly programed chip on it, this would not be so easy to deal with.

but if we get a picture of the new item when it arrives we can see if anything can be done.
well im going to bite the bullit and order one of those chips of ebay ill keep you informed how it goes

Those cheap chips tell a lie to the ecu, but doesn't tell other systems the truth you will get expensive repairs. To get 154hp you need more air not just fuel and turbo boost. With out a bigger air box it will over heat which could head gasket problems and other things. You will see more power but for how long, before you start crying and spending money.

Remember your mother telling never to lie could get you in trouble. Don't lie to the ecu

I know your is not a td5. But go to td5alive and they explane why everything works together. There are complete system for 300's out there

good luck
John....WHERE are the complete systems for 300s? I am not saying you are wrong,just that I would be interested to see them.
Some companies ran ads a couple of years back saying they could mod 300s with EDC but when approached got very shy about details.
John....WHERE are the complete systems for 300s? I am not saying you are wrong,just that I would be interested to see them.
Some companies ran ads a couple of years back saying they could mod 300s with EDC but when approached got very shy about details.

Just went on line typed in performance diesel 300 td for discveryland rover ,pushed the magic button and presto it was like Christmas.

There is a saying us old timers have and its " seek and you shall find"
Its your car your money just tryin to help. Blow it up don't come crying
John....WHERE are the complete systems for 300s? I am not saying you are wrong,just that I would be interested to see them.
Some companies ran ads a couple of years back saying they could mod 300s with EDC but when approached got very shy about details.

i'm with you on this, lots of places say they will do them but when you contact them its a no and the one place i found wanted me to remove the ecu from the pump which needs 4 wires cutting, send them the ecu, they will chip it and then they will send it back and the cost was £200-300, then you have to refit and make good good the wires you cut, and also hope it don't get lost in the post.

Its easy searching google but google also lies to you,
i'm with you on this, lots of places say they will do them but when you contact them its a no and the one place i found wanted me to remove the ecu from the pump which needs 4 wires cutting, send them the ecu, they will chip it and then they will send it back and the cost was £200-300, then you have to refit and make good good the wires you cut, and also hope it don't get lost in the post.

Its easy searching google but google also lies to you,

Deal with the manufacture in England, not the mail to me hakker. Now for the defender td5 alive is the place for me and they have several places for the work. I found that by ask on the right site on lz. maybe if you went to the right section you could find it . Go to the engine section go to your 300 and direct the question. and wait for the answer.

I got me answers by asking the right person on forum or by PM
I can only say again John,that there are plenty of search results and adverts that claim...to do 300s but when you contact them they go shy,as others have found out.

And as to coming crying to you,whatever makes you think I would do that ? I am not even proposing to chip any of my D1s until I know a hell of a lot more about it.And I am on the 300tdi section pretty regular....if You got a DEFENDER issue...what are you doing a DISCOVERY section....cant have it both ways buddy !

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