Soooooooooooooooo, jut to update, I've tried running the engine up to temperature and letting the cool again half a dozen times, plus going for a drive and soaking it in all singing all dancing gun cleaning solvent several times........ the result...... absolutely no movement whatsoever.
So my plan is to use it as normal over the weekend and take it to my mates on Monday when I've next got a day off if it hasn't shifted by then.
Sounds like a plan, sorry for all the confusing answers! Don't forget to carry a new plug with you - obviously! A last resort before taking the head off would be a long M6 bolt, try to get it to move the tip a little bit, then run again. It really would be a last resort. If your mates handy you should be able to get the head off and all sorted in an afternoon. Buy the best quality head gasket you can get.
Aye, the new plug and sockets are on the passenger seat.
I think a lot of the confusing answers were my fault to be fair, not being clear and not knowing the right name for stuff, we got there in the end though.
My mate is very handy with Landys, so hopefully he'll sort this job out, and failing that I'll talk to him about getting the head off. She's got 150k on the clock, so I don't suppose a shiny new head gasket would do any harm anyway.
Ive since done around 3000 miles on mine with the tip still stuck in there. No sign of it firing out and the car starts well so no issues as yet. Always at the back of my mind but can't get around to taking the head off to sort it...
Ive since done around 3000 miles on mine with the tip still stuck in there. No sign of it firing out and the car starts well so no issues as yet. Always at the back of my mind but can't get around to taking the head off to sort it...

Well I've done 3 return trips to work so far over the weekend, and she's still running sweet as a nut, so I may well be in the same boat mate, I'm working again tonight, and I'm going to let my mate have a look in the morning when I finish, I'm a bit reluctant to take the head off as well just for that, but I'll see what my mate says in the morning.
I've just resigned myself to the fact that its well and truly stuck in there... and that engine is not really worth a head rebuild... if I have a problem it is likely to be swapped out and another installed to a much better standard tbh.

Good luck and keep those fingers crossed.
Well my mate has had a look and we've basically decided that if it ain't broke (even though it is:rolleyes:) we're going to just leave it and see what happens.
I'll just have to keep a socket and new glow plug on the passenger seat:D:D.
Well my mate has had a look and we've basically decided that if it ain't broke (even though it is:rolleyes:) we're going to just leave it and see what happens.
I'll just have to keep a socket and new glow plug on the passenger seat:D:D.
Sounds good to me, no point in taking the head off if you can get away without.
Well just a quick update, she's still running perfectly fine, and the broken glow plug still shows no sign of shifting despite being used daily:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Soooooooooooo, after a little over 2 years and several thousand miles, the broken tip of the glow plug finally decided it didn't want to stay in there anymore. Muffled bang, rough running engine and a hole blown in the matting/insulation under the bonnet. Luckily I'd left a socket and plug under the seat, so I was back on the road 2mins later, just remembered about this thread, so thought I'd update it.
Scared the **** out of me, I gave up expecting it to go a LONG time ago, I'd just about forgotten about it, the advice was still good though, it did come out on its own....... EVENTUALLY.
Thread revival (via my google search on looking to remove a tip) -

Ive been running my 300 on and off (not many miles) for a couple of years now, with a stuck tip. Not many motorway miles, but devon hills on boost. Tip still stuck.

Was thinking i should get around to doing something about it, hence google, and hence finding this thread.

I guess ill just leave it, and make sure i carry a new plug and spanner at all times?

The one thats stuck on mine is the one just under the cyclone oil separator - im not sure as to the trajectory, but possibly i should be carrying a new one of those around with me also!

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