Ok then. Tonight I rechecked all the valve clearances and a few needed slackening off a little. I thought that the old girl would then fire up. Not to be. She turned over sounded like she was going to start but there was a fair bit of steam coming from near the exhaust manifold. Is this normal? When she just wouldn't go I looked at the area I could see the steam coming from and could hear what sounded like water dripping from within the head. Could it be that the head gasket is knackered again? And letting water into the pots ?
Did you check the face of the block for wear/warped?? Sounds like you've done the head but not checked the block.
Yes I lapped the valves in and checked them for correct seating. I did check the block quickly with a metal ruler and she seemed ok.
Well took head off again today, due to water loss, and the head gasket I got off eBay was leaking like a sieve. So rechecked head and block for flatness and all ok.
Took a trip to west 4x4 got a new gasket bolted her back together and everything is spot on.
Fired up straight away.

So moral of the story is don't buy crap gaskets off eBay.

Thanks to everyone for all the help and suggestions.

Hopefully one day I will be able to help all of you with something.

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