
Well-Known Member
  • I don't want to level out the floor space using a massive drawer. I don't need a massive drawer.
  • I need to retain some rear window visibility so that I can check MI5 aren't following me during periods when I'm doolally :).
  • I don't want rattle, so I'm not interested in wire cages.
  • Something that muffles dog barking (in the centre crate) is also necessary (a particularly mad collie that won't shut the f%$k up when in transit). Each dog needs it's own space.
I've just knocked this idea up in MS Word. Three individual boxes, two on the wheel boxes, bridged and supported by straps screwed either side of the centre box. However, if anyone has got another 3 dog setup, I'd be interested to know what it looks like. Cheers.

Thought about it many times, and euthanasia by wheel brace

One of mine is a wee yap when first in the motor but settles down but it drives me mental lol
I have never seen a 3 dog set up only a two dog, will 2 mutts not go in the one box or have
a crate at the bulkhead with the one of the crates at the rear door opening at the back for access into it
if that makes any sense ??
We have what looks like the same size cage in the back of the 90. A bit big for one springer but he gets a good view out and shopping bags can fit down the side.....
I don't want rattle, so I'm not interested in wire cages. QUOTE]
  • A good cage does not rattle. Try - they are not cheap but are made to your specification with door to the rear and doors to the front, in case of emergency access being needed. I used one in my D2 for 18 years and stopped when I lost no2 and dear old no 1 got very upset at being alone in the back.:rolleyes:
You don't want rattles but drive a 90? WTF???
Actually my tratter doesn't rattle. I've listened carefully and I think it's a myth you know? Granted all of my one thousand rivets are very tight, but I wonder where the rattles might come from on others Cages definitely do though :):)
Actually my tratter doesn't rattle. I've listened carefully and I think it's a myth you know? Granted all of my one thousand rivets are very tight, but I wonder where the rattles might come from on others Cages definitely do though :):)
Just noticed that the name has now changed to the silent traveller.
Cages no good. The mad collie doesn't like the other two staring at him. His lips start tremoring, then he starts mumbling 'Clarice' through his Baskerville.
Single cage for the crazy one.
The other 2 could sit up front on waterproof seat covers.
That's the other option. One's riding with me up front at the mo. Might just do a two box set-up. Even with a seatbelt restraint, the local bobby's not too chuffed about it.
As long as they're restrained in the front theres nothing they can do.
The old spaniel used to travel in the footwell. This was ok till passengers wanted to put the feet down.
That's the other option. One's riding with me up front at the mo. Might just do a two box set-up. Even with a seatbelt restraint, the local bobby's not too chuffed about it.

I got a harness that clips to the seatbelt clip on one side and the socket on the other.

I think you can get ones that go round the seat and clip the dog in.

As long as it’s restrained(or out of view!) and not on your lap you should be okay
Could yer get the little dog ont passenger floor? It may lie down and relax if it has nothing to look at.

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