
Maybe I'm just unlucky, but I'm wondering if there may be something else at play?

Had a blow out on the motorway the other week. Nearside rear, put the spare on (which had a brand new tube in 5 months ago and hadn't been used since!) and it went flat after 5 miles of motorway driving...

Waited all week for the tyre place near me to sort me a new tyre and two new tubes.
Went away this weekend with a new tyre and tube and sure enough in the way home after only around 30 miles the new (part worn) tyre with the new tube, is flat!

All other wheels are fine!

Also worth nothing that when i first bought this defender 6 months ago, i got a flat in the same place on the way home!

I don't want to endlessly keep replacing tyres. I feel like this must be more than a coincidence?? Is there something else i should look for? Im wandering if the hub is bent or something more serious?

As always, thanks in advance!
Are tubes not better if used offroad? I'll be honest i don't know anything about tyres yet!
The main advantage of tubes as far as I am concerned is that they are nice and easy to change tyres and tubes yourself. If you are going to pay a garage to change then then you would be better going tubeless.
As stated above for tubes the runs have to be in good condition otherwise the tubes can chaff and burst. Also the inner side of the tyre has to be in good condition. If there are any crack these can pinch the tube or if it is a tubless tyre it can have ridges on the indies which will rub.
“New” tubless rims are not expensive or it is easy enough to refurb your current wheels. You could do it one at a time and just not have a spare for a while. If you look up tyre change videos on YouTube (hub ones are best so it is not a rednexk with a screwdriver) you will see how to remove a tyre. Then wire wheel on the angle grinder to remove all the rust, prime with red oxide and paint what ever colour machine enamel takes your fancy and refit the tyre and tube. I did mine a few years ago.

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