
D3 Grandad
Full Member

ive been searching for months on end for the right hand finisher for my roof rack

part number cnc100100pmd, land rover has said its now obsolete

got the left hand one with no problems

i was wondering has anyone got a 5 door roof rack and is anyone able to remove the front right hand cap and see if it will fit a 3 door roof rack please

as i was thinking if i might be able to make it fit somehow

would be so grateful please as the 5 door plastic finishers are easy to get hold of, but the rh one for a 3 door is impossible to buy so this is the only solution i can think of, in trying to see if i can adapt a 5 door one to fit my 3 door one

thks so much guys and hopefully fingers crossed will somehow be able to do this by altering the plastic trim

will be fantastic if anyone is indeed able to tell me please

all the best

There is a right hand one on eBay at the moment but part no is cnc100060pmb. I an not sure if the caps are different on a 3 door and a 5 door roof rail.
If you cant find one locally ill nip up and grab one for you as there was one there bout a week ago.
If you cant find one locally ill nip up and grab one for you as there was one there bout a week ago.

if u are able please to grab one i would be over the moon as i cant find one for love or money

tried in germany, poland, russia etc,

the left hand one is no problem but just cant get hold of the right hand one, for some reason land rover has made it obsolete

im now under the impression the 5 door one is alot shorter,

james my son bought the roof rack for me and the seller said u can easily pick them up, i managed to get the rear back body gaskets and the left one

i belive the part number is cnc100100 pmd for the right hand side , of course if u can find a place that has plenty and are able to get two so ive got a spare one that would be fantastic

thks so much guys as this is the only thing stopping me from fitting my roof rack, i rubbed it all down , sprayed it with hammerite smooth black paint, bought stainless steel bolts etc

the roof rack did come with square cross bars that were lockable but i had to cut them off as they were rusted on, so also been looking to see if i can just buy the ends that will go onto the square bars and are lockable

seen some complete cross bars online but just looking around to save some money where i can

thks so much again and would be so grateful and extremely happy if u are indeed able to grab one of the finishers please,

the lh side one cost me a tenner from land rover but i expect breakers will start asking for silly money soon due to them being hard to get hold of, if it costs me 20 quid or so i dont mind as the roof rack is useless without it, as i would be concerned about water ingress etc and also would look horrible

thks again and fingers crossed a breaker may indeed have one

plus thks guys and will check out the links etc , am just so grateful as its driving me nuts in not being able to find one,


sorry to bump the post but was just wondering if anyone may have been in any scrap yards please or seen one for sale anywhere please

cant get one for love or money

have been thinking to see if anyone has a five door model hippo and access to a 3 door model to see how much shorter they are and if i could adapt it to fit my 3 door model

thks so much again and hope u didnt mind me asking again

Another poor soul here in need of the right hand finisher for a 3 door Freelander. My car got pulvarised in a hailstorm and now I need this finisher.

Can anyone salvage one and put it up on eBay / PayPal etc?
Cheers guys!

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