
New Member
I asked this in my intro thread but might be better here. Is there anyway with the older discos to have 3 diagonal seat belts in the rear? or not?

You mean instead off a lap belt in the center...
Not without having a structural bar/brace put in an then tested by a garage to make sure it's upto spec.

As the seatbelt has to be anchored solidly at 3 points.

Thanks Stu, so i guess that even if you managed to get a set of seats to fit, this will still have to be checked and what not aswell then? Is that really such a awkward job????

and yup insted of lap belt I meant - sorry.
It could be done, but what the end result would look like I'm not sure. And depending on how it's done, might mean you lose the ability to fold the seats down- If they used a bar "like they do with roll bars"
As you know it really comes down to safety at the end of the day and if done wrong it will fail it's mot and void your insurance.

But I'm not sure if there is vehicles out there with the install you wish for, and if there is- they have the seatbelt points included into the design on the seat.:ballchain:
Hmmm tricky aint? I have had the extra seat hassle before when we had a Transit with seats in the back and it is extra hassle.

All I want is a cheap Land Rover with 3 proper seat belts in the rear that aint gonna break down for 3 years or more - is that just too much to ask???? pmsl:laugh:
I take it is Kids then, if you want 3 "normal" belts in the back

Yup, got it in one:rolleyes: Have two, expecting third and me mondeo went tits up yesterday, so I have no vehicle atm, I live in the country and am getting really stressed now!

Yes I was going to get a new one in a couple of months but on my terms not the mondeos :Cry:
Yup, got it in one:rolleyes: Have two, expecting third and me mondeo went tits up yesterday, so I have no vehicle atm, I live in the country and am getting really stressed now!

Yes I was going to get a new one in a couple of months but on my terms not the mondeos :Cry:

Firstly congrats...
But cars have the tendensie to do that lol :)
Depending on how old your other two are depends on how you can play this.

1. if the other two are on booster seats, the Disco sides tend to make the seats go on an angle because of the wheels.

2. Some makes of babyseats can go in the middle with just the lap belt and the others each side of baby no 3

3. New baby in front seat so long as you don't have airbags. other 2 in the back and other half in the boot..lol

Or you could just buy a new Disco which has 7 forward facing seats....... but wheres the fun in that.;)
After reading the reply, thought I had better say congrats on the 3rd baby and not killing the car...:laugh:
Just to warn you, enen if you find a way of adding extra belts, you will struggle to get 3 car seats across the back comfortably.

We have a 200tdi and struggled to find car seats to fit the very short seatbelts and we only have 2 kids.
lmao @ Heggers, I can kill cars all day long, I should have expected it really, broke down when expecting other two kids aswell!

Thanks James, pain isn't it? I remember when they were younger and the fact that hubby changed car/van every 6 months meant I had a fab collection of car seats :lol:

The car seats is what makes this difficult, also the fact that I hate lap belts. Other two are 5 and 7 and on boosters.

I have spent alot of time yesterday (and today aswell I bet) trawling the net, I even started looking at freelanders!!! But no matter my reservations about them, I do think the only option is to go for a TD5, bit more than I wanted to fork out really.
Louise, when I bought my Disco (1997 TDi 5 door) it had an odd assortment of seat-belt webbing straps in the boot which, to my delight, I subsequently discovered attached to a ring that had been fitted into the boot floor just inside the centre of the rear door opening. There is a kind of steel snap clip (a bit like you find on an airline seatbelt) to which a length of webbing attaches, and then a webbing yoke that divides so when you put a booster seat or baby seat in the middle you end up with two shoulder straps which then has the lap-belt run through two loops across the waist.

Sounds very complex to describe but is in fact very simple - you end up with a sort of four-point harness on the centre seat. It fits my 5 year old in her booster seat really well, and the older boys fit either side easily. I think you'd only be able to fit booster cushions on either side though, not three full boosters with backs, as the width wouldn't be enough.

The ring in the boot means that the strap passes right across the centre of the boot which can be a pain depending what you have in, but the emergency default is you're back to the lap-belt only. I think it was professionally installed as the ring bolts right through the rear chassis member. The MOT man has certainly not been upset by it! I'd post some pictures for you but I'm currently abroad and my Landy is in Derbyshire rusting quietly.

Cheers, Gavin
I have all 3 of my kids in the back of my 110. The 4 and 2 year old in their booster and toddler seats in the outer and the Graco autobase for the babies (8 weeks old) car seat in the middle.
It's a struggle to get the car seat into the autobase in the middle as she gets heavier, but the autobase only needs a lapbelt done up tight to hold it in.
If the floor of the Disco isn't flat in the middle in the back then the autobase floor leg will not sit correctly.
Gavin, I understand the set up your are on about, had something very similar in my metro, so that is an option.

Patman - The isofix bases had not crossed my mind at all :doh:
So have been now trawling sites for these and ones can could maybe fit via the lap belt - what's scary is on the Britax website and the car/seat guide.....hardly any come back as safe for a Land Rover!!!!

You would think there would, with Britax being the main one.

Looking into this Graco base atm, thankyou for the suggestion, it's another avenue to look down.

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