
Active Member
Hi guys I have had the three amigos for a while I have tried every thing I can think of ie sensors brake switch relays earth connections etc but they still keep mucking about one minute they work the next they go faulty again I drove more than 8 miles with the lights on went into a friends house for a while when I drove the car again the lights were out I drove 2 miles to the shop came back out drove home the lights still working all the way home the next morning the lights were back on any one had the same problem and how did you fix it thanks
I never had all three "amigos". I had only one + F4 (HDC + limp mode). What fixed it for me, is SEVERAL flushes of the barrel connectors, AND flushing the fuse box under the hood with the best contact cleaner money can buy (not cheap).

I opened the barrels, and flushed them three or four times. I pulled all fuses and relays, and flushed the fuse box, AND relay contacts (twice).

Some "amigo" problems ARE brake switches, ABS sensors, and such, but I suspect a LOT of this is related to crud build up, causing bad connection somewhere in the electrical maze.

Especially when it comes to the engine compartment. Fumes from the engine, plus the road grime, oil, dust, etc builds up on the contacts, and they intermitently lose connectivity. Since EVERYTHING that has the current running through attracts other particles from the surrounding air, it's pretty logical for that to happen in the cars of that age.

And the vibrations definitely help. I found few posts here where people took the fuse box out of the car, squeezed all contacts a little tighter, and cleaned everything, with positive results. When contacts get loose, the crud has more room to collect. As the contact joint moves, sometimes it lets the current through, and sometimes it cuts it off.

Try that. Simple, cheap, and it can't hurt.
Hi thanks that's been tried as well also all connections check ok with multi meter

See,.....that's why I told the other guy "we need service history"! I just wasted few minutes of my life to type this, and I found out you already tried!;)

Seriously,......all my connections also checked OK (primarily testing the barrels, and solenoids in the autobox) with barrels connected, AND disconnected. And the problem still kept coming and going. Since the last "flush" (and like I said, I did it three or four times before the problem went away), I have NO ISSUES.
but I did say I have tried everything in my first post and was looking for some one who had the same fault and cured it some how thanks
but I did say I have tried everything in my first post and was looking for some one who had the same fault and cured it some how thanks

Now some call me Grumpy, but if you had tried everything - you would have solved the problem. Nes pa! Quele Fromage Rodney.

If its the wheel sensors that the ECU thinks have a problem and you have changed them, then in my simple mind you have 3 probably problems (1) you didn't fit them correctly (2) one of the new ones was faulty (3) an actuator ring (or what ever they're called) is shot. Other possibles are an electrical fault between the sensor and ECU as the kind sir says.
In my experience it will be the abs which one that is the question...
Hi as I said I have had it checked on hawk eye each time it says sensors on the front offside then nearside changed them but still the same changed again but still the same its driving me nuts
Hi yes checked the rings even cleaned all the groves out also wheel bearings are fine even put brand new front discs and pads only thing is I noticed a squeal this may be the cause
Hi wiring seems all ok I thought the ignition was the cause but cleaned the contacts and still the same the puzzle is why should it work then not work I have thought I have cured it many times as all the lights go out and the hdc works etc then they come back on when I go back and drive it again sometimes when first driven or driven for a few miles they come back on
Hi as I said I have had it checked on hawk eye each time it says sensors on the front offside then nearside changed them but still the same changed again but still the same its driving me nuts

may sound daft have u had all the dtcs cleared then rechecked again

have u replaced the brake light switch

when things like this happen sometimes better to step back and see what you've done

sounds like a loose connection somewhere as its intermittent

cant remember but isnt there an ohms test u can do on ur sensors

must be driving u nuts but Maybe step back for a bit regroup ur thought and go through it very slowly and surely
Hi yes the ohms test on sensors are ok but that dose not mean they will send the right voltage I haven't changed the brake light switch as it works and I have cleaned it with switch cleaner I use on ham radio equipment etc
Hi yes the ohms test on sensors are ok but that dose not mean they will send the right voltage I haven't changed the brake light switch as it works and I have cleaned it with switch cleaner I use on ham radio equipment etc

i assume ur brake lights are all ok

have u done a continuity test, get someone to move the wires to prove the connectors are ok

just trying to think of solutions and stop u getting locked up in a padded cell, lol
padded cell oh I think they would put the hippo in with me to keep me nuts


useto be a boiler engineer and some boilers useto throw up some really daft electrical problems always stepped back had a cuppa and then rethought what was going on and why

unfortunately is a case of starting from the beginning and making sure u dont skip any stages and fault find it one bit at a time

maybe give it a few days to rethink it all over.

start with clearing ur dtcs completely , then retest it, if nothing comes up, go to each wheel, move the wires, then redo the hawk eye

could be a dodgy part u never know

check ur brake lights work to rule the brake light switch out, unplug then plug back in the connector for ur abs ecu, clean it with a good contact cleaner first including all ur sensors etc as it must be intermittent as u said so in theory will be a loose wire etc in one of the connectors to cause it going on and off
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