
Hi folks need help sorting this had diagnostic done came up with little or no reading n/s rear sensor so I replaced complete hub and sensor and quest what still same reading so thinking about it it only appeared after a very heavy downpour of rain so could anyone shed any light on this if they've had the same problem where to start looking thanks in advance Allan
Hi Bucks,

Did you clear the fault from the diagnostics? are you sure you are not looking at old faults?

You get the 3 amigos
You get the fault read and reset
You get the 3 amigos again before your new hub turns up
You change the hub
You get the fault read and reset (and have to drive over 15mph to clear the abs light)
Then your fine.
Yup done that had fault cleared changed hub and sensor tried it fault returned had it cleared again took it for a spin fault returned wtf do I do next thanks for replies
What hub was it? there are cheap ones with the wrong number of teeth on the reluctor ring, 50 or 55 instead of 60,(allmakes delivered some) and these will not work well whatsoever, though if the hub is good the rear sensors are connected to the ECU through a connector(C0378/0392) in the engine bay where a bad contact can occur the RH rear is in pins 3-4, LH pins 1-2 (white wires), you can try in the female side to check with multimeter set on resistance cos it should close through the sensor at 950 - 1100ohm if that part of circuit is good , if you get that and the fault persists the pronlem might be between that plug and the SLABS ECU so more investigation needed
Dunno wot diagnostics it's a mates atop same as aa/race use it says little or no reading from n/s rear will check that wiring when I get chance (lorry driver hardly at home) have a look at weekend if her indoors doesn't want to go shopping (help) lol as she doesn't drive
I don't know . But I have one of those cheap things and that doesn't even find a fault but on my mates it shows up and it clears it but as soon as I drive it wollop it's back again so I assume if it wasn't that good it would either not show up or not clear it . Also I don't know anyone with a nanocom . Thanks for reply
Hi fellas I'm back again got fed up of playing with wires couldn't sort it so drove it about the odd time and put up with bong bong bong .I have Bean using my other car but while I was using it the traction control started growling at me and applying brakes so got fed up called auto spark out to it turns out it wasn't the n/s rear wheel it was o/s front wheel so he cleared all memory so put the bearing off the rear wheel onto the front wheel tried it hey presto no bong bong bong but traction control still growls at me and applies brakes but no warning lights show up apart from traction control flickering it feels like it's applying front n/s but can't be sure anyone got any ideas it's starting to do my head in now thanks in advance cheers Allan
I'm afraid I don't have any answers to bucks 4x4 problem but I do have a 3 amigos problem that needs curing so, on the basis that all symptoms of a shared problem might be worth including in the same thread. Couple of months ago my 2000 disco td5 treated me to a very loud screech and an extremely hot N/S/R wheel. Removed the wheel and brake caliper to find a piece of rusty metal wedged between brake pad and disc (piece of rusted shim I think). Replaced rear calipers and pads and and all was well - except the 3 amigos appeared. I concluded that the excessive heat caused the insulation on the speed sensor to fail and ordered a replacement. Finally got round to fitting it yesterday but, disappointingly, the 3 amigos did not disappear as expected. I haven't tested any electrics yet and I don't have a hawkeye or other diagnostic (but I would bet that a fault shows up on the same wheel). The wheel hub shows no excessive wear and runs smoothly. Not sure where to go next!
I'd say your next job is to get hold of a code reader and clear all the historic codes which might be stored, then go for a drive. If they stay off then great, but if they do come back, at least you won't have to wade through a load of old information.
Changing just the sensor often doesn't work. You probably need a new hub with sensor already fitted and calibrated, reset codes, then you'll be done.
Hi guys it's me again after having faults cleared traction control still growls at me and applies brakes no abs lights or anything apart from traction control light flickering while it was growling at me I assume that's what it should do if a wheel spinning on mud or ice and applies brakes to that wheel so after taking it for a run n/s front hub was red hot to touch so bought another bearing and sensor for n/s front wheel fitted that took for a spin still phoo king same only abs light on now getting really passed off now got to get auto spark out again any ideas help

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