
New Member
I have had my 1992 Pre-CAT Range Rover 3.9 V8 for a few months now.

When I first got it it started playing up, cutting out at traffic lights and then refusing to start showing up ECU light.

I have been driving it a fair bit since trouble free until the other day it started cutting out again at lights. Now it refuses to start.

It shows up the ECU light when the ignition is switched on and I can hear the fuel pump priming but it doesn't stop priming! I can also hear fuel in the rail with the ignition on.

I checked for a spark and it is big and blue.

Any ideas what this could be?
sounds like a problem with the ecu, but a expensive way of finding out....
if the ecu lights on then it must be the ecu
Thats not good.

The ECU light is on as soon as I turn on the Ignition, and I can hear the fuel priming constantly.

So I should look for a second hand unit.

Easy to change though arn't they, as long as I use my tune select resistor?

Just wondering if a low voltage to the ECU could cause this? I may clean off the battery terminals and re-grease.
Easy tiger! ECU may be working fine, you need to check the various sensors/inputs to the ECU, will take a little time but isn't too difficult.

Do a search on here and you'll find loads of threads with info for sorting various gremlins on the 14 CUX. First thing you should try is substituting the ECU with a known good one, that will rule out your ECU.

You say you can hear your fuel pump priming, I never hear mine, it could be you are hearing the ABS pump if you have ABS. it may be worth checking your fuel pressure regulator but as I say, do a search on here and check the other bits of the injection system first.

Good luck, know what it's like having a sick V8 and the problem ain't mechanical!!
Prerry sure I can hear it priming, faint hum when I turn on ignition and play with fuel relay. Can also hear fuel in the rail.

Will do a search see what I can find.

Lifted fuel pump cover and it is running constantly with ignition on.

The '!' engine light on the dash as allways elluminated but when I remove the MAIN Relay next to the fuel pump the '!' engine light goes out.

I checked the volts at the AFM and there is 12v from the main relay but only 2v from the ECU. The same 2v on the fuel temp and coolent temp resistors aswell. Shouldn't these be 5v?

When I try and start it it coffs and splutters.
Got a replacment ECU and when fitted the '!' engine light went out and the fuel pump primes for a few seconds then goes out.

It now runs.
Got a replacment ECU and when fitted the '!' engine light went out and the fuel pump primes for a few seconds then goes out.

It now runs.

There you go. That was easy wasn't it, just wait 'till you get a really nasty gremlin in there. :frusty: ;)

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