Hi all

OK so the 3.5v8 had a tappity noise so I figured OK il investigate and look to replace the lifters and the cam as they're about due tbf. Now I took the rocker covers off and ran the engine in an attempt to hear where this noise was from. It appeared to be the drivers bank and wasn't constant more as you rev and drop the revs. the noise being slightly worse as you drop the revs from about 1600rpm to idle. I found two push rods were not spinning, removed the valley gasket and found the bottom of the lifters were almost knurled on the edges of the cylinder Base. Worn cam as I expected BUT here's where Im more concerned, one of the lifter bores has part of the casting chipped away. Not majorly but the bottom edge. Now because of all the damage to cam and lifters aswell as part of the casing floating around the oil is now like a brasso feel to it, like polishing fluid gritty. Has anyone else had the lifter bores become chipped? I'm unsure whether to drop the 300tdi lump I have in and go down that route or I have found a 3.5 with 40,000 on the clock I could put that in. Am I right to think my original block is now goosed? I'm really stuck for what to do if I'm honest, any thoughts or advice be great at this stage as I'm achieving nothing by staring at the motor and scratching my head and writing lists of what I'd need to get done etc. Thanks guys an girls it's appreciated
If originality is a concern, drop the other 3.5L V8 in it, rebuild your one original V8, remove the now spare V8, fit the rebuilt V8 and off you go. ;)

Rebuilding the original V8 shouldn't be too much of a problem I would have thought, if the chipped area is cleaned up (die grinder whilst being rebuilt), no burred edges and there isn't a massive amount missing and there is plenty of contact material for the rest of the lifter then it should be okay. Or at least if there's enough lifter bore for the lifter to not move whilst in bore it should be okay.

Don't quote me on that though. :)

If its not okay for rebuild, stick the other 3.5L V8 in it. Don't put the 300TDi lump in, you'll ruin it. ;)

Pics aren't great sorry, il get better ones tommorow morn. Im annoyed it's happened tbh, I've always serviced regularly and had heads skimmed and gaskets 2 years ago, timing chain sprockets etc done less than 5000 miles ago.

I rang RPI just to see what they thought but tbh he just tried to sell me a short motor from a 3.9. Id love to rebuild this one if it's viable ive just never had this happen so pretty buggered for what to do for the best tbh
Cheers for the replies chaps, will get some better pics today and see how bad the damage is, also il check for slap on the lifters. Luckily we have some deburring dies (dad's a sheetmetal worker, welder fabricator) and ex mechanic. Unfortunately the hours he's working lately I've not been able to catch up with him to get him to have a gander for me. Well I feel a lot happier now i know there's a chance of this being rebuilt! Will come back a bit later and let you all know how I get on.

One last quest, is there anywhere id be better ordering engine parts from like cam, lifters etc

Thanks again
I remember when i had mine apart that section looked fairly crap. Almost like someone has made the openings with a cold chisel. I don't think you have anything to worry about to be honest.
I remember when i had mine apart that section looked fairly crap. Almost like someone has made the openings with a cold chisel. I don't think you have anything to worry about to be honest.
Hi bud,

I haven't had a chance to work on it yet but will be doing today, il try and get a proper pic maybe start a thread as I've decided to rebuild as there is no sideways movement. 222000 miles on the clock I suppose it was bound to happen at somepoint.

The castings seem rubbish to be honest I'm still stumped as to how it's happened if I'm honest, an actual peice has chipped off.
Rpi have always been more interested in selling expensive stuff in my experience, i use jrv8 cause its local and hes always been a decent guy, used real steel once and was very happy with them

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