If you think your carbs are now ok
Is your coil getting worm
have you put a wire straight to the coil feed when running to buy pass the ballast resistor
have you a coil to try

Just a stab in the dark
My brothers old range rover had a poor reving shaking like a ****eing dog problem, wot a new coil fixed
Found the problem the starter motor had caught on fire so im now stuffed any body got a spare?
your gonna need one so just buy one mate,paddocks are cheapest- jut make sure its not ****part
****park suck I know they sent me the wrong solenoid bunch of useless ****s shame as it was running really nice too oh well I found a used one for 45 quid on ebay so gonna try that when I do a rebuild next year ill get a bosch one
Good news got it running and sorted the throttle problem (dash pot oil) now im stuck with setting up the carbs correctly any body good with em?
I had to transport mine home when I bought it, it wasn't your average breakdown truck as they are 1,900 kg ish.
Might as well be but I kid you not it really is that weight according to the little tell tell plate

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