ha lol, tbh I would get the carbs off and send them away to have them re-furbished at carburetor exchange. you will need em nice for when your using it and no sense fecking about beforehand just to get it home.

the back nut is a fecker to get to on the manifold you need to pull the carb away while your undoing it to get enough clearance for the nut to have somewhere to go.

a short or cut down spanner does help :)
Personally I think your air/fuel mixture is out of whack a fair bit, when a carb engine ticks over nicely but dies when given some throttle indicates a in correct setting..
obviously the whole lot needs a overhaul after being stold so many years but like I say is she ideals great as youv stated your mixture settings need ajusting..
sorry for stating the obviouse but thats my 2 cents worth!! Lol
every little helps i wish i learnt about carbs when i had the chance im taking the inlet off tomrrow and gonna give them a dam good strip and clean order up some parts the next question is does anybody have a trailer and wanna help me move it fuel and beer can be exchanged
every little helps i wish i learnt about carbs when i had the chance im taking the inlet off tomrrow and gonna give them a dam good strip and clean order up some parts the next question is does anybody have a trailer and wanna help me move it fuel and beer can be exchanged

Where's edge end? If its not to far from birmingham iv got trailer and happily help out a fellow landy owner, but I warn you I drink a lot of beer!! Hahaha
nar fuel and small drink be fine...

pm me if your not to far,... c

just had quick look, 2 odd hrs away!!! Lol bit to far me thinks! Sorry
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It is far lol on a plus note I got the carbs off and both floats were stuck and sticky so I cleaned them out and blew through them with ease so hopfully thursday she will run
ok so running but on the throttle it dies im thinking piping but really not sure how it all goes back together i did take pics but my son has deleated them so im stuffed any body have any clues
Not quite after another play about it now just wont pick up revs on the throttle and there is come blow back from the left carb as you look at them from the front
did you strip service and set up the carbs using new parts and the manual? there is quite a bit to them to get them right.

tbh is could be timing too by the sounds of it.
It never rains....

I had this recently, starter didn't spin, so replaced the blown fuse, still no go. :confused:
Learnt how to remove a starter motor, that bit went well, nothing stuck or broke :D
Bench test - all fine, so bolt it all back on (in the rain), connect it up and... nothing.

I have now learnt to check that the replacement fuse is working even if it looks good.

Land Rovers - love em.
Any idea where the fuse for it is in an 89 110 v8 coz im stuffed lol but thank you for your input
Sorry, not a clue.

Mine is an S1 (3.5 SUs) with a lunch box full of relays and fuses on the transfer box.

Try shorting out the solenoid terminal to see if that fires, if it is working then check it is getting power down the wire.
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