
New Member
Hi All,

Dont know why I didnt join this forum some time ago, I'm always searching the tinternet for answers to my landy problems (as we all do) and invariably end up here!

Brief history,
My wife bought me a Series 2 A ish for £50 back 10 years ago, she went after 3 years of good memories, a lot of welding and wet days on the driveway (the landy that is).

I bought a Freelander 1 1998 XEDI soft back, 5 years ago, great car, broke down more times than I can remember, but i could always fix her and the kids loved it. Sold as the list of parts to replace was getting too heavy, shame.

Now latest Frelander 1 2003 Sport TD4 3 door, big diference, slowly working my way through all the niggles one being about wheel wobble, I will get to that later.

All I can say its always a love hate relationship for me, but I end up loving um more than hating!.

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