We think that we've brought the cooling system up to where it needs to be, but to be totally sure I think you'd have to put a fully reconditioned engine in.

At the moment we're looking into a few possible mods to help improve the car as a whole. We've got some really promising leads and we've been talking to a few experts who are very excited by the ideas, but we don't want to show anything until it's physical. The ideas are quite controversial and the threads would porbably degenerate into confused flame wars :rolleyes:. But when we can say "look at this, what do you think" then that will be cool.

At the moment we're still figuring out the ins and outs of making our theories practical, and we get lost sometimes!

Pm me if you want another brain cell.
MHM, right now we have a solid plan of attack but I need money for my idea and DD needs some for his! If we was loaded we could probably get frankenwelding today :(. But we'd really value your input when we've got a prototype :).
Anything like this, Rob?



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