
I've got a full charging system for a 24v FFR S3. All worked when it came off, except the ammeter on the shunt box. Shunt box, generator, double battery tray/box and the wires that connect it all.

Any idea if it's worth anything? I was going to weight it in, but seems a shame. There are some crazy prices on eBay...

You could try asking on The EMLRA forum they will have a Good idea of its worth and may know someone who wants it. Or bung it on eBay start price 99p and see where it goes, better than skipping it.
It was popular years back to rip it all out and convert to 12v 'because 12 is better'. It's not better, but it is different. I wouldn't be surprised if you got a decent price for it
I have to confess I was one of the ones who pulled out all the 24v stuff - and I do sort of regret it now, but with the engine swap and all, it's not going back in.
My issue with ebay was that I reckoned not too many people would be looking at this kind of stuff. But probably the best idea. Thanks for the ideas.
Yes put it on e-bay, take decent photos, use the whole 12 free allowance, put it at 99p and make sure you put all the key words in the title as well as the description. A lot of people now set automatic alerts and these work off the description. I now put anything I'm not sure about on e-bay and my recent expereince is that Series Land Rover parts get a lot of hits from automatic alerts. Some things get 10 -20 views after a few days, Series stuff gets that number in 30 mins so people must have alerts set. I've put unusual parts up at 99p and got £100s.
You'll get more in single items, but its more hassle.. It would be inclined to do a job lot if you just want it off your hands, you may still get a decent price.

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