im not angry. im not advertising alloys that are on ebay. all i was doing was showing a picture of them that i saw on fleebay. i cannot post in the classified section so stuck them on the landrover section.'obviously not the right section by the messages' !!

there was no need for the profanities.. end everyone jumping on the band wagon.

i apologise for posting on here. i personally hate the bloody alloys and only selling them as nthey came with the cracking td5 that i got. ride is ****e.. they overhang the arches and personally get to much attention. lol same as this post.:rolleyes:

;) there's hope for you yet :)

and if anyone was thinking about buying them, they're not now after that selling pitch
im not angry. im not advertising alloys that are on ebay. all i was doing was showing a picture of them that i saw on fleebay. i cannot post in the classified section so stuck them on the landrover section.'obviously not the right section by the messages' !!

there was no need for the profanities.. end everyone jumping on the band wagon.

i apologise for posting on here. i personally hate the bloody alloys and only selling them as nthey came with the cracking td5 that i got. ride is ****e.. they overhang the arches and personally get to much attention. lol same as this post.:rolleyes:

Stroppy newb comes good :D:D:D

Welcome on board matey. :cool:
will do. i prefer the sensible look, and i ain't no spring boy racer chicken that's into the bling. i live in the remote argyll and bute and need the td5 to gain access to the forest.
not to hang about macdonalds carpark on an evening (not that we have a macdonalds here)
can i set this post to self destruct?:rolleyes:
will do. i prefer the sensible look, and i ain't no spring boy racer chicken that's into the bling. i live in the remote argyll and bute and need the td5 to gain access to the forest.
not to hang about macdonalds carpark on an evening (not that we have a macdonalds here)
can i set this post to self destruct?:rolleyes:

No need mate, you've sorted it. :cool::cool::cool:

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