yup, the .303" was a great round, also the 7.62mm that followed:cool:
I don't now have any 308/7.62mm stuff, I shoot 7.62R which is the old Russian Rimmed round for the Mosins. I have a couple of them including a proper Enemy at the Gates type Sniper. However the carbine is probably the most fun. The 15" folding bayonet freaks out some of the more conservative target shooters and the short barrel means a huge bang and a 4ft long muzzle flash when it goes off which make everyone jump:D
However accuracy is pretty poor, both the carbines I have would be hard pressed to hit anything, you would actually be easier going down the range and using them as clubs if you wanted to put a hole in the paper with some degree of confidence:confused:
Geddon Gem been a while. I have a .22 you can use, but it's probably cheaper to just buy one local rather than trek down to Kernow.
Ayeup matey,great to hear from you again,i thought you had been swept out to sea or summat,lol.

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