
Active Member
Changed the oil and filter on the P38 this afternoon. Then came in and made a nice Lasagne for T as the Missus is at work all day.

How times have changed. My old man would have done the oil change but would have had to asked me mum where the kitchen was, let alone make a Lasagne!!!
only reason I have a kitchen:eek:-it came with the house
Youve opened up a can of worms. we cant let the women do everything! think about it we will become useless!
and a proper mrs would have changed the oil for you

My ex was a pretty little thing, Dead handy with a Spot welder and a drill as well, She did the install of the 4 point rollcage on my old VW Golf for me while i was busy rebuilding the steering rack. Impressive, shame she was completely bonkers
My ex was a pretty little thing, Dead handy with a Spot welder and a drill as well, She did the install of the 4 point rollcage on my old VW Golf for me while i was busy rebuilding the steering rack. Impressive, shame she was completely bonkers

landyburd never told us she had a fancy bit.:p:p
real men eat chipsss........

We had pomme fritz with ours

and a proper mrs would have changed the oil for you

I would let her do it but she chooses the oil in the prettiest container and not always the right one for the job!!

Them microwave instant Lasagne's can be tricky!:hysterically_laughi

Made from scratch, Jamie Oliver would have been proud of it.

ffs my servent does the cooking and butler the oil change

The butler was too busy servicing the Bentley
My ex was a pretty little thing, Dead handy with a Spot welder and a drill as well, She did the install of the 4 point rollcage on my old VW Golf for me while i was busy rebuilding the steering rack. Impressive, shame she was completely bonkers

I had one which had a personality similar to having sand in the vagina, the sex wasn't much better even with a vivid imagination.:doh:

Oh and I can cook for 13 Sunday lunch, make cakes (trouble is they are gone while still warm) and I taught my current gf to cross stitch with help from the internet:pop2:

Type of cooking I like is prepare it, throw it all on to cook and relax as it cooks mmmmmmmmm roast
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Changed the oil and filter on the P38 this afternoon. Then came in and made a nice Lasagne for T as the Missus is at work all day.

How times have changed. My old man would have done the oil change but would have had to asked me mum where the kitchen was, let alone make a Lasagne!!!

How do you make your Lasagne?
Do you pre-cook the pasta, or do you cook in the sauce? I cook in the sauce... comes out firmer.
Do you layer, pasta, bolognese, cheese sauce, pasta? or do you use cheese instead of cheese sauce, or cheese AND sauce?
I use cheese, then when all layered up, cover with milk, and lots more cheese. I like it cheesy, and you dont get that 'floury' taste cheese sauce often has......

As for changing times...... well, I'm a child of the revolution, and my mum would have done the oil change........ badly.......... and my step-dad would have done the dinner........ even MORE badly......... then they would have called the AA and ordered in Pizza!
Good on ya fortgrange...nuffin wrong with that....I aint got time for blokes who think its "manly" to be useless, and want the gals to do everything except the "boyz jobz".
I've worked all me life in heavy engineering all over the world, been happily married for 35 years, and am not ashamed to be found in the kitchen, and could take care of myself in any situation. I'm qualified to operate a washing machine, and do a good job with an iron and most of the "girlie" wife is a dab hand at oil changes and wheel changes, and is very useful with a drill, jigsaw and a cement mixer too! She makes a cracking lime-mortar!! We've built and renovated many houses together over the years and there is no gender demarcation in our lives.
I was always brought up to be self reliant....useful survival skills wherever you may be!
Keep up the good work!...and don't get oil on yer pinny!!

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