on Saturday my 2020 RR P525 Sport HSE - Fuji White - I was driving it on national road in Greater London - Unfield - was driving with a sturdy 50 MPH in Sport mode - saw a few great looking girls on the pavement - deciced to switch to neutral and give it a good rev to around the meter was smashing the number 8 for like 5 seconds - they didn't seem to give any substantial amount of attention to me - after I passed them, noticed a large amount of smoke starting to emerge from under the hood - and the cockpit was filled to the brim with that highly obnoxious, burnt metal smell - I couldn't even see much from the smokes, decided to park to the pavement in cross, blocking it fully - quickly shat down the motor with start-stop button - collect the car key - open the door and run. When I got to a safer distance, a few seconds later I saw an extremely impressive explosion, as if GTA V has came to real life. To top this all off, I checked Tiktok for you in the evening, and the video of me running away from the my smoking once-car, and the whole explosion recorded by one of the girls, was posted there and completely exploded over 5 hours, had like 127k(!) likes and such. This video is a total destroying of the image of LAND ROVER company, and I have contacted them, to help remove the video.
On the upside (???) they made some money on their TOKTIK video.
this was my fear too.

Here here 😁

Can you post a link to the video? The great LZ collective can then decide
It has been removed this afternoon, however probably will be uploaded to bigger sites, just keep searching for range rover exploded, etc...

No. You are trying to get it removed cos you are an idiot :p.
What a shame.................................... that you are an idiot.
Among these lines, were the official company answer in e-mail, they also added tthat they hold 0 responsibility for this utterly retarded, and endlessly undeserving usage of a beautiful car.
Is this post just a ploy to get people to watch the video? πŸ€”
I don't think here is the target audience for that :)
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So what do we fink happened. Excess revs blow'd one of the air pipes oft and the hot gas set it on fire? Turbo pipe split? Result fuel lines caught fire.

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