
New Member
Hi all My first post. 2013 Freelander 2 L359. Charge light comes on after a minute from starting. So far i have changed battery and altanator. The lin wire from Alt is perfect to ECM. All fuses are perfect as are the earths.
Notice that lin output from alt is 14.2 disconnected and 13.8 out of the ECM. When connecter the lin voltage is 13.8. Connection blocks on ECM / BCM / IP are clean dry and look perfect. Main battery cables are perfect. I have checked all the normal things that i can see but still the light comes on and the display says charging system fault. The only error code in system is B1A56-11 Antenna Circuit. Hoping / Thank You
Have you checked the thin blue wire under the fuel filter in the photo below.
Thank you for reply. Yes i have. It is perfect. I Even ran a wire from alt to ecm just to be sure but made no difference. But one thing that puzzles me. With the wire unplugged i get 14.4v at alt I get 13.8v on blue wire from ECM. When i plug it in to Alt i get 13.8v. I get 14.4v at the battery and read 13.8v at the cig plug in the vehicle. This is while engine is running.
Am i right in my understanding. The LIN wire sends data to the ECM. The ECM transfers this data down the CAN lines to the BCM and then by CAN lines to dash light. When starting to vehicle the lights go off. After it does it check it turns the light on saying there is a fault. If i turn on the vehicle again after stopping the light stays on but if i wait a a few min then the light goes off on starting. It comes on again about a min later
thank you all feels secure an tight. but i might remove and replace to be sure. have done tests with multimeter and it passed the tests

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