It looks like my 1997 LWB Defender 110 is almost exempt but the TFL website says only vehicles up to 9 seats are exempt - mine has 11/12 seats e.g. 6 in the back, 3 in the middle and 2/3 in the front. Would anyone know why the insistence on 9 seats in this case and can my 12 seater be somehow passed off as a 9 seater in order to be considered as exempt?
Think you can take some seats out and get it reclassified, anything with more than 9 seats is seen as a minibus
OK I have a 93 110 CSW, with the correct VIN that shows it as an original CSW.

However it is classed as Light Utility 4x4 on the V5C

Although TFL's website now states that you don't need to get the V5C changed, every time I write to them with pictures etc they claim that according to their database it is a "Double Cab" hence a commercial and subject to the LEZ. I have written and phoned trying to explain what a double cab is and showing how given my pictures their data is nonsense but they won't listen.

So I have now decided to get the V5C changed - however when I phoned Land Rover today they said they couldn't send out any details and TFL had all their data.

So my question is a) is there some special trick or way to get Land Rover to confirm I have an original CSW b) any alternative routes on how to convince TFL?
I wander what would happen if you drive a Defender with French plates if it would get picked up.
OK I have a 93 110 CSW, with the correct VIN that shows it as an original CSW.

However it is classed as Light Utility 4x4 on the V5C

Although TFL's website now states that you don't need to get the V5C changed, every time I write to them with pictures etc they claim that according to their database it is a "Double Cab" hence a commercial and subject to the LEZ. I have written and phoned trying to explain what a double cab is and showing how given my pictures their data is nonsense but they won't listen.

So I have now decided to get the V5C changed - however when I phoned Land Rover today they said they couldn't send out any details and TFL had all their data.

So my question is a) is there some special trick or way to get Land Rover to confirm I have an original CSW b) any alternative routes on how to convince TFL?

I was told the VIN No decides what is commercial and what is not.If you are positive the VIN is not a commercial then let them take you to court and prove them wrong. maybe put the relevant parts of your VIN up here ( not all of it for obvious reasons) and someone might be a bit more informed and be able to help.
I was told the VIN No decides what is commercial and what is not.If you are positive the VIN is not a commercial then let them take you to court and prove them wrong. maybe put the relevant parts of your VIN up here ( not all of it for obvious reasons) and someone might be a bit more informed and be able to help.

Well there's clearly a cock-up somewhere as TFL are convinced mine is a double cab, despite photographic evidence otherwise. Don't have the VIN to hand but reading on other threads it seems to be correct. I think I will write to Land Rover (old school!) rather than battling their call centre.

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