
Dyed-in-the-wool 100% RR Junkie
Full Member
Hi all,

I know this is not about a stolen Landy....but I thought I should let y'all know about in anycase....

A work colleague is lucky enough to have a company 2011 Disco 4 TDV6 SE(?) Commercial (Tinted rear windows and panelled inside, no rear seats etc) and he was stopped this morning by the fuzz as part of his exhaust was hanging down....

On further inspection it looks like some light fingered numpty tried to steal the Catalytic Converter from under the vehicle whilst outside his house in the night.

The were foiled by so of the fixings being torx bits (apparently) and they left it there hanging down....they had down irrepairable damage to the heat sheild too, which will also need to be replaced....

Bewarned, sometimes it not just the vehicle they are after....
catalytic convertor theft is on the rise big time! theres even companys making locks for them! :eek: whats the world coming to.

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